Music Department (MUS)

College of Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities
School of Visual and Performing Arts
Department Chair: Stephen Mann
234 Center For The Arts; 608.785.8409

The Department of Music is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music and is a vital unit within the School of Visual and Performing Arts in the College of Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities. The department offers a balanced program of academic courses and performance opportunities including music theory, composition, music history, pedagogy, appreciation, choirs/ensembles and individual applied lessons, all administered by dedicated, expert faculty. A performance audition and theory placement assessment are required.

Large instrumental ensembles include the Symphony Orchestra (auditioned), the Screaming Eagles Marching Band, the Wind Ensemble (auditioned), and the Symphonic and Concert Bands. The jazz program ensembles includes the Jazz Orchestra, Jazz Ensemble and jazz combos, all auditioned. Concert Choir (SATB), Choral Union (SATB), and the Treble Chorus (SSA) provide students with opportunities to sing in many styles and genres. Students enhance their performance skills through chamber music groups such as the brass and woodwind quintets, a percussion ensemble, and a small contemporary vocal ensemble. All organizations have toured locally, nationally and internationally. The Jazz Orchestra, Concert Choir, Orchestra, and Wind Ensemble have been invited to perform at state and regional music conferences. All UW-La Crosse students are welcome to audition and perform in any music ensemble regardless of the student's major.

Please read about applied lessons below (lessons are 1-credit university courses). All music majors and minors receive applied music lessons without additional fees. Any student without a music major or music minor may audition to take applied lessons when studio space is available; an additional lab fee is required for students enrolled in lessons only. 

  • Students enrolling in the music major must complete the music major core requirements and one or more emphasis areas.
  • Students enrolling in education emphases must also complete teacher education requirements found in the School of Education.

The below course lists are to be used to meet the requirements of music majors and minors, but non-music majors and minors may also enroll with consent of instructor.

Large ensembles                      Small ensembles                           Applied music

Large ensembles

(Open to students in all schools and colleges within the university with consent of instructor)

One credit per semester. A maximum of six credits may be earned in large ensembles toward a music major.

Screaming Eagles Marching Band (non-auditioned)
MUS 100Screaming Eagles Marching Band I1
MUS 200Screaming Eagles Marching Band II1
MUS 300Screaming Eagles Marching Band III1
MUS 400Screaming Eagles Marching Band IV1
Concert Choir (auditioned)
MUS 106Concert Choir I1
MUS 206Concert Choir II1
MUS 306Concert Choir III1
MUS 406Concert Choir IV1
Treble Chorus (non-auditioned)
MUS 123Treble Chorus I1
MUS 223Treble Chorus II1
MUS 323Treble Chorus III1
MUS 423Treble Chorus IV1
Wind Ensemble (auditioned)
MUS 140Wind Ensemble I1
MUS 240Wind Ensemble II1
MUS 340Wind Ensemble III1
MUS 440Wind Ensemble IV1
Concert Band (non-auditioned concert band 1)
MUS 103Concert Band I (Non-auditioned Concert Band)1
Symphonic Band (non-auditioned concert band 2)
MUS 144Symphonic Band I1
MUS 244Symphonic Band II1
MUS 344Symphonic Band III1
MUS 444Symphonic Band IV1
Orchestra (auditioned - wind players only)
MUS 156Orchestra I1
MUS 256Orchestra II1
MUS 356Orchestra III1
MUS 456Orchestra IV1
Choral Union (non-auditioned)
MUS 158Choral Union I1
MUS 258Choral Union II1
MUS 358Choral Union III1
MUS 458Choral Union IV1

Small ensembles

(Open to students in all schools and colleges within the university with consent of instructor)

One credit per semester. A maximum of two credits earned in small ensembles may be applied toward the music major.

Music education majors prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in a large ensemble. If choral and general music education major, one of the following:

Concert Choir: MUS 106, MUS 206, MUS 306, MUS 406
Treble Chorus: MUS 123, MUS 223, MUS 323, MUS 423
Choral Union: MUS 158, MUS 258, MUS 358, MUS 458

If instrumental and general music education major, one of the following:

Marching Band: MUS 100, MUS 200, MUS 300, MUS 400
Wind Ensemble: MUS 140, MUS 240, MUS 340, MUS 440
Orchestra: MUS 156, MUS 256, MUS 356, MUS 456

Students who register for credit in music organizations are required to register in the same manner and within the time limits established for registration in all other courses.

Jazz Orchestra (auditioned)
MUS 130Jazz Orchestra I1
MUS 230Jazz Orchestra II1
MUS 330Jazz Orchestra III1
MUS 430Jazz Orchestra IV1
Jazz Ensemble (auditioned)
MUS 134Jazz Ensemble I1
MUS 234Jazz Ensemble II1
MUS 334Jazz Ensemble III1
MUS 434Jazz Ensemble IV1
MUS 161Ensembles1
MUS 361Advanced Small Ensemble1

Applied music courses

Applied music courses are open to music majors and minors without an extra fee. Other students may audition to take applied music courses on a space-available basis and must pay an applied music fee.

Placement into intermediate (200 level) and advanced (300 level) courses is determined by audition. Students enrolled in 200- or 300-level courses (lessons) will perform for a Department of Music jury at the close of each semester of instruction. Students enrolled in recital-level courses (400 level) will present a public recital. Students enrolled in 200- and 300-level courses take one  private lesson per week (30 to 45-minutes) and will also meet for one class studio lesson per week plus a regular scheduled Department Convocation hour. Students may enroll in a maximum of two applied areas each semester. All applied music courses are one credit.

A music major or minor1 may enroll for a maximum of nine semesters in a single applied area without paying an extra fee. Of those nine semester credits, only six credits may be earned at the 200 level.


 Applied music credits for minors beyond the required four semesters are subject to space availability.

Course list

MUA 201Applied Flute1
MUA 202Applied Oboe1
MUA 203Applied Clarinet1
MUA 204Applied Bassoon1
MUA 205Applied Saxophone1
MUA 206Applied Horn1
MUA 207Applied Trumpet1
MUA 208Applied Trombone1
MUA 209Applied Euphonium1
MUA 210Applied Tuba1
MUA 211Applied Percussion1
MUA 214Applied Piano1
MUA 215Applied Guitar1
MUA 216Applied Violin1
MUA 217Applied Viola1
MUA 218Applied Cello1
MUA 219Applied Bass1
MUA 221Applied Voice1
MUA 301Applied Flute1
MUA 302Applied Oboe1
MUA 303Applied Clarinet1
MUA 304Applied Bassoon1
MUA 305Applied Saxophone1
MUA 306Applied Horn1
MUA 307Applied Trumpet1
MUA 308Applied Trombone1
MUA 309Applied Euphonium1
MUA 310Applied Tuba1
MUA 311Applied Percussion1
MUA 314Applied Piano1
MUA 315Applied Guitar1
MUA 316Applied Violin1
MUA 317Applied Viola1
MUA 318Applied Cello1
MUA 319Applied Bass1
MUA 321Applied Voice1
MUA 471Recital1
MUA 472Performance Emphasis Recital1

General education writing emphasis

This department incorporates a significant amount of writing through the required courses instead of identifying particular courses as writing emphasis courses. Students who complete a major in this department will fulfill the general education writing emphasis requirement.

The following is the department's faculty and staff as of the publication date of this catalog. This list will not be updated again until the next catalog is published in July.

Associate Professor

Jonathan Borja

Tammy Fisher

Mary Tollefson

Assistant Professor

Kourtney Austin

David Dies

Christopher Hathaway


Martin Gaines

Teaching Professor

Jeff Erickson

Assistant Teaching Professor

Jon Ailabouni


Derek Clark

Shelly Heerts

Music Coach

Mary Andersen

Stephen Austin

Troy Birdsong

Dan Driesen

Michelle Elliott

Joseph Greer

Busya Lugovier

Keslie Pharis

Brain Renkas

Administrative Support

David Bashaw

Applied Music Courses

MUA 201 Cr.1

Applied Flute

Intermediate applied course requiring audition. Includes one-half hour private lesson per week and one class lesson per week; performance for music department jury at end of semester. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: open to music majors or minors. Others may enroll on a space available basis based on audition. Non-music majors and non-music minors pay an applied music fee. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUA 202 Cr.1

Applied Oboe

Intermediate applied course requiring audition. Includes one-half hour private lesson per week and one class lesson per week; performance for music department jury at end of semester. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: open to music majors or minors. Others may enroll on a space available basis based on audition. Non-music majors and non-music minors pay an applied music fee. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUA 203 Cr.1

Applied Clarinet

Intermediate applied course requiring audition. Includes one-half hour private lesson per week and one class lesson per week; performance for music department jury at end of semester. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: open to music majors or minors. Others may enroll on a space available basis based on audition. Non-music majors and non-music minors pay an applied music fee. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUA 204 Cr.1

Applied Bassoon

Intermediate applied course requiring audition. Includes one-half hour private lesson per week and one class lesson per week; performance for music department jury at end of semester. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: open to music majors or minors. Others may enroll on a space available basis based on audition. Non-music majors and non-music minors pay an applied music fee. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUA 205 Cr.1

Applied Saxophone

Intermediate applied course requiring audition. Includes one-half hour private lesson per week and one class lesson per week; performance for music department jury at end of semester. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: open to music majors or minors. Others may enroll on a space available basis based on audition. Non-music majors and non-music minors pay an applied music fee. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUA 206 Cr.1

Applied Horn

Intermediate applied course requiring audition. Includes one-half hour private lesson per week and one class lesson per week; performance for music department jury at end of semester. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: open to music majors or minors. Others may enroll on a space available basis based on audition. Non-music majors and non-music minors pay an applied music fee. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUA 207 Cr.1

Applied Trumpet

Intermediate applied course requiring audition. Includes one-half hour private lesson per week and one class lesson per week; performance for music department jury at end of semester. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: open to music majors or minors. Others may enroll on a space available basis based on audition. Non-music majors and non-music minors pay an applied music fee. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUA 208 Cr.1

Applied Trombone

Intermediate applied course requiring audition. Includes one-half hour private lesson per week and one class lesson per week; performance for music department jury at end of semester. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: open to music majors or minors. Others may enroll on a space available basis based on audition. Non-music majors and non-music minors pay an applied music fee. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUA 209 Cr.1

Applied Euphonium

Intermediate applied course requiring audition. Includes one-half hour private lesson per week and one class lesson per week; performance for music department jury at end of semester. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: open to music majors or minors. Others may enroll on a space available basis based on audition. Non-music majors and non-music minors pay an applied music fee. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUA 210 Cr.1

Applied Tuba

Intermediate applied course requiring audition. Includes one-half hour private lesson per week and one class lesson per week; performance for music department jury at end of semester. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: open to music majors or minors. Others may enroll on a space available basis based on audition. Non-music majors and non-music minors pay an applied music fee. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUA 211 Cr.1

Applied Percussion

Intermediate applied course requiring audition. Includes one-half hour private lesson per week and one class lesson per week; performance for music department jury at end of semester. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: open to music majors or minors. Others may enroll on a space available basis based on audition. Non-music majors and non-music minors pay an applied music fee. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUA 214 Cr.1

Applied Piano

Intermediate applied course requiring audition. Includes one-half hour private lesson per week and one class lesson per week; performance for music department jury at end of semester. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: open to music majors or minors. Others may enroll on a space available basis based on audition. Non-music majors and non-music minors pay an applied music fee. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUA 215 Cr.1

Applied Guitar

Intermediate applied course requiring audition. Includes one-half hour private lesson per week and one class lesson per week; performance for music department jury at end of semester. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: open to music majors or minors. Others may enroll on a space available basis based on audition. Non-music majors and non-music minors pay an applied music fee. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUA 216 Cr.1

Applied Violin

Intermediate applied course requiring audition. Includes one-half hour private lesson per week and one class lesson per week; performance for music department jury at end of semester. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: open to music majors or minors. Others may enroll on a space available basis based on audition. Non-music majors and non-music minors pay an applied music fee. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUA 217 Cr.1

Applied Viola

Intermediate applied course requiring audition. Includes one-half hour private lesson per week and one class lesson per week; performance for music department jury at end of semester. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: open to music majors or minors. Others may enroll on a space available basis based on audition. Non-music majors and non-music minors pay an applied music fee. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUA 218 Cr.1

Applied Cello

Intermediate applied course requiring audition. Includes one-half hour private lesson per week and one class lesson per week; performance for music department jury at end of semester. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: open to music majors or minors. Others may enroll on a space available basis based on audition. Non-music majors and non-music minors pay an applied music fee. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUA 219 Cr.1

Applied Bass

Intermediate applied course requiring audition. Includes one-half hour private lesson per week and one class lesson per week; performance for music department jury at end of semester. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: open to music majors or minors. Others may enroll on a space available basis based on audition. Non-music majors and non-music minors pay an applied music fee. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUA 221 Cr.1

Applied Voice

Intermediate applied course requiring audition. Includes one-half hour private lesson per week and one class lesson per week; performance for music department jury at end of semester. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: open to music and music theatre majors or minors. Others may enroll on a space available basis based on audition. Non-music majors and non-music minors pay an applied music fee. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUA 301 Cr.1

Applied Flute

Advanced applied course requiring audition. Includes one-half hour private lesson per week and one class lesson per week; performance for music department jury at end of semester. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: open to music majors or minors. Others may enroll on a space available basis based on audition. Non-music majors and non-music minors pay an applied music fee. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUA 302 Cr.1

Applied Oboe

Advanced applied course requiring audition. Includes one-half hour private lesson per week and one class lesson per week; performance for music department jury at end of semester. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: open to music majors or minors. Others may enroll on a space available basis based on audition. Non-music majors and non-music minors pay an applied music fee. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUA 303 Cr.1

Applied Clarinet

Advanced applied course requiring audition. Includes one-half hour private lesson per week and one class lesson per week; performance for music department jury at end of semester. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: open to music majors or minors. Others may enroll on a space available basis based on audition. Non-music majors and non-music minors pay an applied music fee. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUA 304 Cr.1

Applied Bassoon

Advanced applied course requiring audition. Includes one-half hour private lesson per week and one class lesson per week; performance for music department jury at end of semester. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: open to music majors or minors. Others may enroll on a space available basis based on audition. Non-music majors and non-music minors pay an applied music fee. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUA 305 Cr.1

Applied Saxophone

Advanced applied course requiring audition. Includes one-half hour private lesson per week and one class lesson per week; performance for music department jury at end of semester. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: open to music majors or minors. Others may enroll on a space available basis based on audition. Non-music majors and non-music minors pay an applied music fee. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUA 306 Cr.1

Applied Horn

Advanced applied course requiring audition. Includes one-half hour private lesson per week and one class lesson per week; performance for music department jury at end of semester. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: open to music majors or minors. Others may enroll on a space available basis based on audition. Non-music majors and non-music minors pay an applied music fee. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUA 307 Cr.1

Applied Trumpet

Advanced applied course requiring audition. Includes one-half hour private lesson per week and one class lesson per week; performance for music department jury at end of semester. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: open to music majors or minors. Others may enroll on a space available basis based on audition. Non-music majors and non-music minors pay an applied music fee. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUA 308 Cr.1

Applied Trombone

Advanced applied course requiring audition. Includes one-half hour private lesson per week and one class lesson per week; performance for music department jury at end of semester. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: open to music majors or minors. Others may enroll on a space available basis based on audition. Non-music majors and non-music minors pay an applied music fee. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUA 309 Cr.1

Applied Euphonium

Advanced applied course requiring audition. Includes one-half hour private lesson per week and one class lesson per week; performance for music department jury at end of semester. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: open to music majors or minors. Others may enroll on a space available basis based on audition. Non-music majors and non-music minors pay an applied music fee. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUA 310 Cr.1

Applied Tuba

Advanced applied course requiring audition. Includes one-half hour private lesson per week and one class lesson per week; performance for music department jury at end of semester. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: open to music majors or minors. Others may enroll on a space available basis based on audition. Non-music majors and non-music minors pay an applied music fee. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUA 311 Cr.1

Applied Percussion

Advanced applied course requiring audition. Includes one-half hour private lesson per week and one class lesson per week; performance for music department jury at end of semester. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: open to music majors or minors. Others may enroll on a space available basis based on audition. Non-music majors and non-music minors pay an applied music fee. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUA 314 Cr.1

Applied Piano

Advanced applied course requiring audition. Includes one-half hour private lesson per week and one class lesson per week; performance for music department jury at end of semester. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: open to music majors or minors. Others may enroll on a space available basis based on audition. Non-music majors and non-music minors pay an applied music fee. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUA 315 Cr.1

Applied Guitar

Advanced applied course requiring audition. Includes one-half hour private lesson per week and one class lesson per week; performance for music department jury at end of semester. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: open to music majors or minors. Others may enroll on a space available basis based on audition. Non-music majors and non-music minors pay an applied music fee. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUA 316 Cr.1

Applied Violin

Advanced applied course requiring audition. Includes one-half hour private lesson per week and one class lesson per week; performance for music department jury at end of semester. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: open to music majors or minors. Others may enroll on a space available basis based on audition. Non-music majors and non-music minors pay an applied music fee. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUA 317 Cr.1

Applied Viola

Advanced applied course requiring audition. Includes one-half hour private lesson per week and one class lesson per week; performance for music department jury at end of semester. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: open to music majors or minors. Others may enroll on a space available basis based on audition. Non-music majors and non-music minors pay an applied music fee. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUA 318 Cr.1

Applied Cello

Advanced applied course requiring audition. Includes one-half hour private lesson per week and one class lesson per week; performance for music department jury at end of semester. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: open to music majors or minors. Others may enroll on a space available basis based on audition. Non-music majors and non-music minors pay an applied music fee. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUA 319 Cr.1

Applied Bass

Advanced applied course requiring audition. Includes one-half hour private lesson per week and one class lesson per week; performance for music department jury at end of semester. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: open to music majors or minors. Others may enroll on a space available basis based on audition. Non-music majors and non-music minors pay an applied music fee. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUA 321 Cr.1

Applied Voice

Advanced applied course requiring audition. Includes one-half hour private lesson per week and one class lesson per week; performance for music department jury at end of semester. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: open to music and music theatre majors or minors. Others may enroll on a space available basis based on audition. Non-music majors and non-music minors pay an applied music fee. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUA 471 Cr.1


Capstone project in applied music. Includes one-half hour private lesson per week and one class lesson per week plus public recital. Requirements vary by emphases. See the music department's "Student Handbook." Repeatable for credit - maximum two. Prerequisite: open to music majors; two semesters of 300 level applied music in the performance area of the recital. Concurrent enrollment in 300 level applied music course recommended. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUA 472 Cr.1

Performance Emphasis Recital

Capstone project in applied music. Includes one-half hour private lesson per week and one class lesson per week plus public recital. Requirements vary by emphases. See the music department's "Student Handbook." Repeatable for credit - maximum two. Prerequisite: open to music majors; two semesters of 300 level applied music in the performance area of the recital. Concurrent enrollment in 300 level applied music course recommended. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUA 473 Cr.2

Jazz Performance Emphasis Recital

Capstone project in applied music in jazz performance. Includes one hour private lesson per week plus public recital with a jazz combo. See the Department of Music's "Student Handbook" for more details about policies covering this course. Prerequisite: MUS 326; two semesters of MUS 161 (Jazz Combo); two semesters of 300-level applied music on major instrument; declared major in music: jazz performance emphasis. Offered Fall, Spring.

Music Courses

+MUS 100 Cr.1

Screaming Eagles Marching Band I

Large ensemble open to students in all schools and colleges with consent of instructor. A maximum of six credits in all large ensembles may be applied to music major. Not repeatable for credit. Offered Fall.

+MUS 103 Cr.1

Concert Band I

This course is a large ensemble open to students in all schools and colleges with experience in band. Not eligible toward music major or minor. Repeatable for credit - maximum two. Offered Fall.

+MUS 105 Cr.2

Music Appreciation

In this course, students examine music as an expression of humanity and explore big questions like "what is good music?" Students cultivate the habits of analytical, open-minded listening for life-long enjoyment and appreciation of music. Topics include fundamental music terminology, engaged listening, the relationship between culture and music, and the various purposes of music. This course addresses Western art music, non-Western music, music of the African diaspora, and popular music. Not applicable to major or minor. Lect. 1, Disc. 1. Prerequisite: Not open to students with credit in MUS 110. Offered Fall, Spring.

+MUS 106 Cr.1

Concert Choir I

Large ensemble open to students in all schools and colleges with consent of instructor. A maximum of six credits in all large ensembles may be applied to music major. Repeatable for credit - maximum two. Offered Fall, Spring.

+MUS 115 Cr.3

Musical Elements: Conventions and Systems

Music shares elements of both mathematics and languages. Like math, music uses symbols to represent real world phenomena and uses systems to describe and generate relationships between them. Like languages, music has been shaped by a range of practices and has developed specialized vocabulary and syntax to reflect and shape culture. This course explores basic vocabulary, concepts, and systems around temporal, melodic, and formal conventions. Students learn how to read music, as well as interpret both written and heard musical pieces. This course is for students with little to no music background and does not apply to any music major or minor. Prerequisite: not open to music major or minor who has completed MUS 266. Offered Fall.

+MUS 123 Cr.1

Treble Chorus I

Large ensemble open to students in all schools and colleges with consent of instructor. A maximum of six credits in all large ensembles may be applied to music major. Repeatable for credit - maximum two. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUS 130 Cr.1

Jazz Orchestra I

Small ensemble open to students in all schools and colleges with consent of instructor. Requires concurrent enrollment in a large ensemble for music education majors: MUS 106/206/306/406 (Concert Choir), MUS 123/223/323/423 (Treble Chorus), MUS 158/258/358/458 (Choral Union), if choral and general music education major. MUS 100/200/300/400 (Marching Band), MUS 144/244/344/444 (Symphonic Band), MUS 156/256/356/456 (Orchestra), MUS 140/240/340/440 (Wind Symphony), if instrumental and general music education major. A maximum of two credits in all small ensembles may be applied to the music major. Repeatable for credit - maximum two. Offered Fall, Spring.

+MUS 134 Cr.1

Jazz Ensemble I

Small ensemble open to students in all schools and colleges with consent of instructor. Requires concurrent enrollment in a large ensemble for music education majors: MUS 106/206/306/406 (Concert Choir), MUS 123/223/323/423 (Treble Chorus), MUS 158/258/358/458 (Choral Union), if choral and general music education major. MUS 100/200/300/400 (Marching Band), MUS 144/244/344/444 (Symphonic Band), MUS 156/256/356/456 (Orchestra), MUS 140/240/340/440 (Wind Symphony), if instrumental and general music education major. A maximum of two credits in all small ensembles may be applied to the music major. Repeatable for credit - maximum two. Offered Fall, Spring.

+MUS 140 Cr.1

Wind Ensemble I

Large ensemble open to students in all schools and colleges with consent of instructor. A maximum of six credits in all large ensembles may be applied to music major. Repeatable for credit - maximum two. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUS 143 Cr.1

Class Voice I

This course provides group instruction on voice requiring little or no formal training in singing. The course is designed to develop each student's singing voice and the ability to sing successfully in front of others. During the course of study, the fundamentals of healthy vocal production is addressed including proper posture, breathing, tone production, expression, and gaining confidence. Students sing together as well as individually for class. Prerequisite: declared major in music education: instrumental and general emphasis. Offered Fall.

+MUS 144 Cr.1

Symphonic Band I

Large ensemble open to students in all schools and colleges with consent of instructor. Not repeatable for credit. Offered Spring.

MUS 146 Cr.1

Keyboard Competencies I

This course is designed to prepare students to use the piano as a functional vehicle of expression and as an accompanying instrument. Emphasis will be given to developing physical coordination of keyboard performance skills, building basic piano technique and basic keyboard theory, harmonizing melodies with given chord symbols and by ear, and reading simple piano literature in traditional music notation. Lect. 1, Lab 1. Prerequisite: music major or minor, or concurrent registration in MUS 235. Offered Fall - Even Numbered Years.

MUS 147 Cr.1

Keyboard Competencies II

This course is designed to prepare students to use the piano as a functional vehicle of expression and as an accompanying instrument. From performance level attained in Keyboard I, students will continue developing physical coordination of keyboard performance skills, building basic technique, applying keyboard theory and harmonizing melodies. Primary emphasis will be to increase performance ability at first sight through practice strategies, musical analysis and several pieces of piano literature. Lect. 1, Lab 1. Prerequisite: MUS 146 or consent of instructor. Offered Fall - Even Numbered Years.

MUS 148 Cr.1

Keyboard Competencies III

This course is designed to prepare students to use the piano as a functional vehicle of expression and as an accompanying instrument. Having achieved basic piano technique and reading skills, the emphasis in this course will be to expand the use of the keyboard in practical music education contexts: accompaniments, multiple staff (score) reading and transposition. Students will have opportunities to articulate practice strategies and to assess performances. Practical situations which call for modification of the printed score will also be addressed. Lect. 1, Lab 1. Prerequisite: MUS 146 or consent of instructor. Offered Spring - Odd Numbered Years.

MUS 149 Cr.1

Keyboard Competencies IV

This course prepares music education students to address standards for keyboard competency as stipulated by National Association of Schools of Music (NASM) standards and Wisconsin Teacher Standards (WTS). All activities in the course will be driven by practical situations in the classroom using keyboard skills. These skills include demonstration of keyboard technique (scales, chord progressions), folk song accompaniments, transposition of melodies to other keys, score reading (choral or instrumental ensembles) and performance of accompaniments with appropriate stylistic considerations. Prerequisite: MUS 148 or consent of instructor. Offered Spring - Even Numbered Years.

+MUS 156 Cr.1

Orchestra I

Large ensemble open to students in all schools and colleges with consent of instructor. A maximum of six credits in all large ensembles may be applied to music major. Repeatable for credit - maximum two. Offered Fall, Spring.

+MUS 158 Cr.1

Choral Union I

Large ensemble open to students in all schools and colleges with consent of instructor. A maximum of six credits in all large ensembles may be applied to music major. Repeatable for credit - maximum two. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUS 161 Cr.1


Small ensemble open to students in all schools and colleges with consent of instructor. Requires concurrent enrollment in a large ensemble for music education majors: MUS 106/206/306/406 (Concert Choir), MUS 123/223/323/423 (Treble Chorus), MUS 158/258/358/458 (Choral Union), if choral and general music education major. MUS 100/200/300/400 (Marching Band), MUS 144/244/344/444 (Symphonic Band), MUS 156/256/356/456 (Orchestra), MUS 140/240/340/440 (Wind Symphony), if instrumental and general music education major. A maximum of two credits in all small ensembles may be applied to the music major. Repeatable for credit. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUS 173 Cr.1

Class Voice II

This course is a continuation of Class Voice I group instruction on voice. The course is designed to improve each student's singing voice and further develop the ability to sing successfully in front of others. Individual vocal problems are assessed, and exercises are given to improve and strengthen the voice. Students sing together as well as individually for class. Prerequisite: MUS 143. Offered Spring.

MUS 200 Cr.1

Screaming Eagles Marching Band II

Large ensemble open to students in all schools and colleges with consent of instructor. A maximum of six credits in all large ensembles may be applied to music major. Not repeatable for credit. Prerequisite: MUS 100. Offered Fall.

MUS 203 Cr.3

Foundations of Music Education

This is a pedagogy course introducing the methodology of teaching in music education. This course gives an overview of choral, general, and instrumental music education while including philosophical, social, and psychological foundations of teaching music. This course focuses on the methods of planning instruction for student learning, including alignment of objectives, instructions, assessment, and tasks. Utilizing the National Core Music Standards, teacher candidates begin creating developmentally appropriate lesson plans. Wisconsin Teacher Standards (WTS) are introduced to create developmentally appropriate instruction and advocacy in music education. Prerequisite: MUS 266, MUS 268; sophomore standing. Offered Spring.

+MUS 205 Cr.3

Global Cultures in Music

This course surveys the selected musical traditions of the world. By looking at selected communities in detail, students will better understand that music is, in most cases, connected to culture and cannot be understood without an awareness of cultural contexts. Students will also develop a musical vocabulary and listening skills through exposure to recordings, lectures and assignments about stylistic elements, and analysis. The ability to read music is not required for the course, but it is helpful. The lectures will be supplemented with sound recordings, and will include in-class demonstrations when possible. Offered Fall, Spring, Summer.

MUS 206 Cr.1

Concert Choir II

Large ensemble open to students in all schools and colleges with consent of instructor. A maximum of six credits in all large ensembles may be applied to music major. Repeatable for credit - maximum two. Prerequisite: MUS 106; sophomore standing. Offered Fall, Spring.

+MUS 209 Cr.3

History of Jazz Culture

A chronological study of the history of jazz from its African/Creole roots to the present with emphasis on ethnic cultural contributions and innovations through listening and selected readings. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUS 211 Cr.2

Basic Conducting

Development of the physical and mental skills necessary for accurate beat patterns, cueing, fermatas, cut-offs, accelerandos and ritardandos. Emphasis is placed on body posture, body language, eye contact, accurate tempos and dynamics. A basic knowledge of musical terms is required along with the ability to use them to teach the aesthetic qualities of music. Lect. 1, Lab 2. Prerequisite: MUS 266. Offered Fall - Odd Numbered Years.

MUS 213 Cr.1

Class Ukulele and Guitar

A beginner level ukulele and guitar class designed to give a student lifelong skills that proves to be valuable for playing chords, rhythm, and basic melody. In this course, students concentrate on developing skills necessary for the use of ukulele and guitar in the elementary and middle school classroom, including a variety of ways the instrument may be used to accompany singing as well as in solo capacities. Prerequisite: MUS 266. Offered Fall - Even Numbered Years.

MUS 214 Cr.2

String Techniques

This course provides group instruction on violin, viola, cello, and string bass. It is primarily for students planning to teach music. Lect. 1, Lab 2. Prerequisite: MUS 266, MUS 268. Offered Fall - Odd Numbered Years.

MUS 220 Cr.2

Brass Techniques

This course provides group instruction on trumpet, horn, trombone, euphonium, and tuba. It is primarily for students planning to teach music. Lect. 1, Lab 2. Prerequisite: MUS 266, MUS 268. Offered Spring - Odd Numbered Years.

MUS 223 Cr.1

Treble Chorus II

Large ensemble open to students in all schools and colleges with consent of instructor. A maximum of six credits in all large ensembles may be applied to music major. Repeatable for credit - maximum two. Prerequisite: MUS 123; sophomore standing. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUS 225 Cr.2

Percussion Techniques

This course provides group instruction on snare drum, timpani, keyboard mallets, auxiliary percussion, Latin percussion and drum set. It is primarily for students planning to teach music. Lect. 1, Lab 2. Prerequisite: MUS 266, MUS 268. Offered Fall - Even Numbered Years.

MUS 227 Cr.3

Woodwind Techniques

This course provides group instruction on flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon, and saxophone. It is primarily for students planning to teach music. Lect. 2, Lab 2. Prerequisite: MUS 266, MUS 268. Offered Spring - Even Numbered Years.

MUS 230 Cr.1

Jazz Orchestra II

Small ensemble open to students in all schools and colleges with consent of instructor. Requires concurrent enrollment in a large ensemble for music education majors: MUS 106/206/306/406 (Concert Choir), MUS 123/223/323/423 (Treble Chorus), MUS 158/258/358/458 (Choral Union), if choral and general music education major. MUS 100/200/300/400 (Marching Band), MUS 144/244/344/444 (Symphonic Band), MUS 156/256/356/456 (Orchestra), MUS 140/240/340/440 (Wind Symphony), if instrumental and general music education major. A maximum of two credits in all small ensembles may be applied to the music major. Repeatable for credit - maximum two. Prerequisite: MUS 130; sophomore standing. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUS 234 Cr.1

Jazz Ensemble II

Small ensemble open to students in all schools and colleges with consent of instructor. Requires concurrent enrollment in a large ensemble for music education majors: MUS 106/206/306/406 (Concert Choir), MUS 123/223/323/423 (Treble Chorus), MUS 158/258/358/458 (Choral Union), if choral and general music education major. MUS 100/200/300/400 (Marching Band), MUS 144/244/344/444 (Symphonic Band), MUS 156/256/356/456 (Orchestra), MUS 140/240/340/440 (Wind Symphony), if instrumental and general music education major. A maximum of two credits in all small ensembles may be applied to the music major. Repeatable for credit - maximum two. Prerequisite: MUS 134; sophomore standing. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUS 240 Cr.1

Wind Ensemble II

Large ensemble open to students in all schools and colleges with consent of instructor. A maximum of six credits in all large ensembles may be applied to music major. Repeatable for credit - maximum two. Prerequisite: MUS 140; sophomore standing. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUS 244 Cr.1

Symphonic Band II

Large ensemble open to students in all schools and colleges with consent of instructor. A maximum of six credits in all large ensembles may be applied to music major. Not repeatable for credit. Prerequisite: MUS 144. Offered Spring.

MUS 249 Cr.1

Piano Sight Reading

This course is intensely focused on reading piano music at sight. While the majority of the course provides opportunities to read/perform new music at sight, strategies to improve initial sight-reading skills will be given on a regular basis. Lect.1, Lab 1. Prerequisite: MUS 149. Offered Fall - Odd Numbered Years.

MUS 256 Cr.1

Orchestra II

Large ensemble open to students in all schools and colleges with consent of instructor. A maximum of six credits in all large ensembles may be applied to music major. Repeatable for credit - maximum two. Prerequisite: MUS 156; sophomore standing. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUS 258 Cr.1

Choral Union II

Large ensemble open to students in all schools and colleges with consent of instructor. A maximum of six credits in all large ensembles may be applied to music major. Repeatable for credit - maximum two. Prerequisite: MUS 158; sophomore standing. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUS 264 Cr.3

History of Western Music I

A chronological study of music in Western civilization with emphasis on periods and styles from early times to the death of Bach. Outside listening required. Prerequisite: MUS 115 or minimum score of 3 on AP music exam or Music Department Theory assessment milestone. Offered Annually.

MUS 266 Cr.3

Theory of Music I

This course is an introduction to core music theory concepts. Students review essential concepts by studying them within musical contexts (melody, harmony, counterpoint, etc.). Topics include meter and rhythm, the management of dissonance, the structure of keys, the harmonic function of triads and seventh chords, and basic formal units (phrase, period, cadence, etc.). The course introduces students to applied chords. The students explore these concepts through composition and analysis, using models from the common practice period and some popular 20th-century styles. Prerequisite: MUS 115 or minimum score of 3 on AP music exam or Music Department Theory assessment milestone; concurrent enrollment in MUS 268. Offered Spring.

MUS 268 Cr.1

Aural Skills I

In this course students develop aural skills to build their musical literacy by seeing, listening, and transcribing notation. Students complete specialized exercises that develop their hearing skills through the practice of singing using syllables and transcribing what is heard. Exercises include singing and notating increasingly challenging melodies, rhythmic exercises, and identifying harmonies and simple harmonic progressions. Prerequisite: MUS 115 or minimum score of 3 on AP music exam or Music Department Theory assessment milestone; concurrent enrollment in MUS 266. Offered Spring.

MUS 300 Cr.1

Screaming Eagles Marching Band III

Large ensemble open to students in all schools and colleges with consent of instructor. A maximum of six credits in all large ensembles may be applied to music major. Not repeatable for credit. Prerequisite: MUS 200. Offered Fall.

MUS 306 Cr.1

Concert Choir III

Large ensemble open to students in all schools and colleges with consent of instructor. A maximum of six credits in all large ensembles may be applied to music major. Repeatable for credit - maximum two. Prerequisite: MUS 206; junior standing. Offered Fall, Spring.

+MUS 317 Cr.3

Musical Classroom

Contextual music methodology course designed for elementary classroom teachers. This course is intended to explore the role of the classroom teacher. The emphasis of the course is to incorporate music into the daily class activities through performance and teaching opportunities. The course content will include listening to representative selections of Western classical, American, and Asian music in relation to its historical, social, and cultural contexts. Not applicable to the music major or minor. Most appropriate for teacher education. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUS 320 Cr.2

Orchestration and Arranging

This course is a study of the characteristics and capabilities of choral and instrumental ensembles and the writing of practical transcription and arrangements for various small and large ensembles. Arranging instrumental accompaniment for vocal groups are also addressed. Lect. 1, Lab 2. Prerequisite: music or music education major; junior standing. Offered Fall - Odd Numbered Years.

MUS 321 Cr.2

Choral Arranging

Scoring and arranging for mixed chorus, choirs, glee clubs and small vocal ensembles; scoring of instrumental accompaniment for vocal groups. Prerequisite: MUS 335 or MUS 366. Offered Fall - Even Numbered Years.

MUS 322 Cr.3

Choral Techniques

Basic principles of choral performance. Elements of expression, stylistic characteristic and preparation of choral groups. The voice at different age levels. Examination and evaluation of choral materials. Prerequisite: MUS 211. Offered Spring - Odd Numbered Years.

MUS 323 Cr.1

Treble Chorus III

Large ensemble open to students in all schools and colleges with consent of instructor. A maximum of six credits in all large ensembles may be applied to music major. Repeatable for credit - maximum two. Prerequisite: MUS 223; junior standing. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUS 325 Cr.2

Choral Literature

This course is a historical survey of choral literature from the early Renaissance to the present. Students begin to assemble a personal choral music database and are familiarized with many major choral composers from each historical period. The course delves into the general characteristics within each epoch as well as specific composer tendencies to the point of being able to recognize the differences within the music both visually and aurally. Prerequisite: MUS 203; admission to teacher education. Offered Spring - Even Numbered Years.

MUS 326 Cr.2

Jazz Improvisation I

The study and application of the theoretical, technical and performance aspects of jazz improvisation. Three periods per week. Prerequisite: MUS 236 or MUS 266. Consent of instructor. Offered Fall - Odd Numbered Years.

MUS 327 Cr.2

Jazz Improvisation II

A continuation of the principles and techniques of "Jazz Improvisation I" (MUS 326), but at a higher performance level. Three periods per week. Prerequisite: MUS 326. Consent of instructor. Offered Fall - Odd Numbered Years.

MUS 328 Cr.1

Diction in Music

This course is the study of diction for music majors and minors dealing with the phonetic systems and texts in foreign language. Prerequisite: MUS 366, MUS 368; concurrent enrollment in MUA 221 or MUA 321. Offered Spring - Odd Numbered Years.

MUS 330 Cr.1

Jazz Orchestra III

Small ensemble open to students in all schools and colleges with consent of instructor. Requires concurrent enrollment in a large ensemble for music education majors: MUS 106/206/306/406 (Concert Choir), MUS 123/223/323/423 (Treble Chorus), MUS 158/258/358/458 (Choral Union), if choral and general music education major. MUS 100/200/300/400 (Marching Band), MUS 144/244/344/444 (Symphonic Band), MUS 156/256/356/456 (Orchestra), MUS 140/240/340/440 (Wind Symphony), if instrumental and general music education major. A maximum of two credits in all small ensembles may be applied to the music major. Repeatable for credit - maximum two. Prerequisite: MUS 230; junior standing. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUS 334 Cr.1

Jazz Ensemble III

Small ensemble open to students in all schools and colleges with consent of instructor. Requires concurrent enrollment in a large ensemble for music education majors: MUS 106/206/306/406 (Concert Choir), MUS 123/223/323/423 (Treble Chorus), MUS 158/258/358/458 (Choral Union), if choral and general music education major. MUS 100/200/300/400 (Marching Band), MUS 144/244/344/444 (Symphonic Band), MUS 156/256/356/456 (Orchestra), MUS 140/240/340/440 (Wind Symphony), if instrumental and general music education major. A maximum of two credits in all small ensembles may be applied to the music major. Repeatable for credit - maximum two. Prerequisite: MUS 234; junior standing. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUS 340 Cr.1

Wind Ensemble III

Large ensemble open to students in all schools and colleges with consent of instructor. A maximum of six credits in all large ensembles may be applied to music major. Repeatable for credit - maximum two. Prerequisite: MUS 240; junior standing. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUS 344 Cr.1

Symphonic Band III

Large ensemble open to students in all schools and colleges with consent of instructor. A maximum of six credits in all large ensembles may be applied to music major. Not repeatable for credit. Prerequisite: MUS 244. Offered Spring.

MUS/THA 347 Cr.3

Sound Recording and Engineering

Students will explore the theory, methods, and technologies of live sound engineering and sound recording. Through hands-on projects, students will learn basic acoustics, sound technologies, live sound mixing, as well as the recording and digital editing of music. Lect. 2, Lab 2. Prerequisite: junior standing. (Cross-listed with MUS/THA; may only earn credit in one department.) Offered Spring - Even Numbered Years.

MUS 349 Cr.1

Vocal Accompanying

This course provides instruction and practical experience in vocal accompanying. Topics include score reading, rehearsal techniques, simplifying scores, and improving pianistic interpretation in performance. Prerequisite: MUS 249. Offered Spring - Odd Numbered Years.

MUS 351 Cr.2

Piano Pedagogy I

An introduction to teaching piano. Topics include methods and materials currently used for studying piano, business and administrative issues related to operating independent teaching studios, innovative strategies beyond traditional method book instruction and piano literature. Through a comprehensive survey of piano literature and essential pedagogical collections of repertoire, students will establish a foundation for teaching styles of intermediate and advanced piano literature. Lect. 2, Lab 1. Prerequisite: music major; concurrent registration in MUA 314. Offered Spring - Odd Numbered Years.

MUS 352 Cr.2

Piano Pedagogy II: Instructional Strategies

This course is designed to study and implement strategies for improving effectiveness in piano teaching. A systematic examination and evaluation of piano methods will be covered, as well as discussions regarding teaching content versus teaching process. Topics on teaching effectiveness will include behavioral modifications, task analysis, teaching cycles, and observation and evaluation techniques. Students also receive initial training in systematic methods for making independent changes in both piano practice and piano teaching environments. Lect. 2, Lab 1. Prerequisite: MUS 351; concurrent registration in MUA 314. Offered Spring - Even Numbered Years.

MUS 356 Cr.1

Orchestra III

Large ensemble open to students in all schools and colleges with consent of instructor. A maximum of six credits in all large ensembles may be applied to music major. Repeatable for credit - maximum two. Prerequisite: MUS 256; junior standing. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUS 358 Cr.1

Choral Union III

Large ensemble open to students in all schools and colleges with consent of instructor. A maximum of six credits in all large ensembles may be applied to music major. Repeatable for credit - maximum two. Prerequisite: MUS 258; junior standing. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUS 361 Cr.1

Advanced Small Ensemble

Small ensemble open to students in all schools and colleges with consent of instructor. A maximum of two credits may be applied to music major. Requires concurrent enrollment in a large ensemble for music education majors: MUS 106/206/306/406 (Concert Choir), MUS 123/223/323/423 (Treble Chorus), MUS 158/258/358/458 (Choral Union), if choral and general music education major. MUS 100/200/300/400 (Marching Band), MUS 144/244/344/444 (Symphonic Band), MUS 156/256/356/456 (Orchestra), MUS 140/240/340/440 (Wind Symphony), if instrumental and general music education major. Repeatable for credit - maximum two. Prerequisite: two credits of MUS 161. Consent of instructor. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUS 364 Cr.3

History of Western Music II

A chronological study of music in Western civilization with emphasis on periods and styles from the late 18th century until the turn of the 20th century. Outside listening required. Prerequisite: MUS 115 or minimum score of 3 on AP music exam or Music Department Theory assessment milestone. Offered Annually.

MUS 365 Cr.3

History of Western Music III

A chronological study of music in Western civilization with emphasis on the twentieth century through the music of today. Outside listening required. Prerequisite: MUS 115 or minimum score of 3 on AP music exam or Music Department Theory assessment milestone. Offered Annually.

MUS 366 Cr.3

Theory of Music II

This course expands upon concepts introduced in MUS 266. Topics includes forms and compositional devices throughout various musical eras from the 1700s and 1800s (the "common practice" period). Students explore harmonic and formal ideas through short composition exercises. Prerequisite: MUS 266; concurrent enrollment in MUS 368. Offered Fall.

MUS 367 Cr.3

Theory of Music III

This course expands upon the musical concepts studied in MUS 266 and MUS 366, with an emphasis on music since 1900. Students study innovations in the concepts related to pitch organization, durations, meter, and form. Students analyze and discuss works by applying vocabulary and concepts derived from these innovations and study the practical application of these concepts by writing short composition projects. Students also engage with broader issues related to music analysis, such as various criteria for grouping musical elements and the value of different approaches to analysis. Prerequisite: MUS 366; concurrent enrollment in MUS 369. Offered Spring.

MUS 368 Cr.1

Aural Skills II

In this course students develop aural skills to build their musical literacy by seeing, listening, and transcribing notation. Students complete specialized exercises that develop their hearing skills through the practice of singing using syllables and transcribing what is heard. This course further develops the skills acquired in MUS 268. Exercises include singing and notating more challenging melodies, rhythmic exercises, and identifying more advanced harmonies and harmonic progressions. Prerequisite: MUS 268; concurrent enrollment in MUS 366. Offered Fall.

MUS 369 Cr.1

Aural Skills III

In this course students develop aural skills to build their musical literacy by seeing, listening, and transcribing notation. Students complete specialized exercises that develop their hearing skills through the practice of singing using syllables and transcribing what is heard. This course further develops the skills acquired in MUS 368. Exercises include singing and notating more challenging melodies, rhythmic exercises, identifying more advanced harmonies and harmonic progressions, as well as some material reflecting musical developments since 1900. Prerequisite: MUS 368; concurrent enrollment in MUS 367. Offered Spring.

MUS 370 Cr.4

K-12 General Music Methods

This course is the study of the philosophy, structure, and content of music education in K-12 school curriculum. This course provides the students with a positive view of the realities of general music in relation to the youngsters themselves and to the musical and aesthetic learning possible at early childhood to adolescent aged levels. Sufficient materials, methods, and techniques are explored to enable the beginning teacher to provide a quality music education. Furthermore, this course incorporates a lab component in general music classroom observations of K-5 learners in elementary schools. Lect. 3, Lab 2. Prerequisite: MUS 203; admission to teacher education. Offered Spring - Even Numbered Years.

MUS 372 Cr.3

General Music in the Middle/Senior High School

This course is designed to prepare music education major students for teaching general music in secondary schools. Sufficient materials, methods, and techniques are explored as to enable the beginning teacher to deal with adolescent musical skills. Prerequisite: admission to teacher education. Offered Spring - Odd Numbered Years.

MUS 373 Cr.3

Choral Music in the Middle/Senior High School

This course is designed to provide the students with the basic principles and techniques of choral preparation and performance in relation to public school choral ensembles. It deals specifically with vocal production in young voices, choral sound, repertoire, stylistic characteristics, and expressive elements. Prerequisite: admission to teacher education. Offered Fall - Odd Numbered Years.

MUS 374 Cr.3

Instrumental Music in the Schools

A practicum in the structure, supervision, and administration of school instrumental music programs. Emphasis placed upon elementary band techniques, junior/senior high school band/orchestra rehearsal procedures, and organization and conducting. Prerequisite: completion of eight hours of techniques classes and conducting; admission to teacher education. Offered Fall - Odd Numbered Years.

MUS 377 Cr.3

Travel/Study in Music

Travel courses are conducted to various parts of the nation and world and may be led by one or more faculty members. Course work may include studio/professional practice, research, or seminar topics. Prior trip arrangements, financial deposit, and consent/orientation with International Education (if applicable) are required. May be repeated to different locations. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: MUS 205 or ART 102 or ART 251; concurrent enrollment in ART 360; sophomore standing. Consent of instructor. Offered Occasionally.

MUS 378 Cr.3

Advanced Instrumental Conducting & Field Experience I

This class includes an integrated field experience with instrumental conducting. In the field experience, candidates learn about the complex processes of planning instrumental music instruction, engaging K-12 learners, and assessing student learning. Conducting topics include baton technique, score analysis and preparation, and interpretation. Students study band and orchestral literature in relation to its performance and practice. This course teaches students how to connect on a higher level with young musicians through advanced score preparation and provide an array of effective rehearsal techniques and teaching strategies. A multi-day, consistent schedule in the field experience classroom is established by the course instructor in consultation with the teacher candidate and cooperating teacher. Prerequisite: MUS 203, MUS 211, MUS 370; admission to teacher education. Consent of department. Offered Fall - Even Numbered Years.

MUS 379 Cr.3

Advanced Choral Conducting & Field Experience I

This class includes an integrated field experience with choral conducting. In the field experience, candidates learn about the complex processes of planning choral music instruction, engaging K-12 learners, and assessing student learning. This class includes the study of advanced problems in choral conducting and a more advanced approach into effective rehearsal techniques in the choral classroom. Topics covered include refining the conducting gesture, score preparation, score analysis, interpretation, rehearsal techniques, and proper procedures. This course teaches students how to connect on a higher level with young musicians through advanced score preparation and provide an array of effective rehearsal techniques and teaching strategies. A multi-day, consistent schedule in the field experience classroom is established by the course instructor in consultation with the teacher candidate and cooperating teacher. Prerequisite: MUS 203, MUS 211, MUS 370; admission to teacher education. Consent of department. Offered Fall - Even Numbered Years.

MUS 383 Cr.4

Choral Music in the Schools and Field Experience II

This combined methods and field experience course is designed to provide students with the basic principles and techniques of choral preparation and performance in relation to public school choral ensembles. This course specifically addresses vocal production in young voices, choral sound, repertoire, and vocal pedagogy. This course also includes the second field component required for all education majors. Students practice these issues in the field concurrently with class peer discussion. A multi-day, consistent schedule in the field experience classroom is established by the course instructor in consultation with the teacher candidate and cooperating teacher. Prerequisite: MUS 379; admission to teacher education. Consent of department. Offered Spring - Odd Numbered Years.

MUS 384 Cr.4

Instrumental Music in the Schools and Field Experience II

This combined methods and field experience course is designed to provide teacher candidates with opportunities to understand and develop practices related to instrumental music and its role in a 6-12 classroom. Administrative approaches, rehearsal techniques, modern comprehensive teaching styles, classroom management, and conflict resolution for the secondary instrumental teacher are addressed. Students practice these issues in the field concurrently with class peer discussion. A multi-day, consistent schedule in the field experience classroom is established by the course instructor in consultation with the teacher candidate and cooperating teacher. Prerequisite: MUS 378; admission to teacher education. Consent of department. Offered Spring - Odd Numbered Years.

MUS 385 Cr.2

Advanced Music Theory

This course offers advanced experience with analytical techniques as well as engagement regarding musical form, meter and rhythm, music notation, electronic music, and other parameters of music. The course presents students with larger music theoretical concerns: what questions a piece of music or repertoire might invite, and methods of pursuing answers to those questions, including creating new approaches to analysis. Prerequisite: MUS 367 and MUS 369. Offered Spring - Even Numbered Years.

MUS 400 Cr.1

Screaming Eagles Marching Band IV

Large ensemble open to students in all schools and colleges with consent of instructor. A maximum of six credits in all large ensembles may be applied to music major. Repeatable for credit - maximum two. Prerequisite: MUS 300. Offered Fall.

MUS 403 Cr.2

Symphonic Literature

A study of the development of the orchestra, the important orchestral forms and the evolution of orchestral styles through the study of compositions of representative composers. Prerequisite: MUS 301 or MUS 302 or MUS 364 or MUS 365. Offered Occasionally.

MUS 406 Cr.1

Concert Choir IV

Large ensemble open to students in all schools and colleges with consent of instructor. A maximum of six credits in all large ensembles may be applied to music major. Repeatable for credit - maximum four. Prerequisite: MUS 306; senior standing. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUS 407 Cr.2

Survey of Opera

A historical survey of opera from its origin to the present, emphasizing an understanding of the parameters of opera as an art form. Prerequisite: MUS 105 or music major; MUS 364 or MUS 365. Offered Occasionally.

MUS 423 Cr.1

Treble Chorus IV

Large ensemble open to students in all schools and colleges with consent of instructor. A maximum of six credits in all large ensembles may be applied to music major. Repeatable for credit - maximum four. Prerequisite: MUS 323; senior standing. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUS 430 Cr.1

Jazz Orchestra IV

Small ensemble open to students in all schools and colleges with consent of instructor. Requires concurrent enrollment in a large ensemble for music education majors: MUS 106/206/306/406 (Concert Choir), MUS 123/223/323/423 (Treble Chorus), MUS 158/258/358/458 (Choral Union), if choral and general music education major. MUS 100/200/300/400 (Marching Band), MUS 144/244/344/444 (Symphonic Band), MUS 156/256/356/456 (Orchestra), MUS 140/240/340/440 (Wind Symphony), if instrumental and general music education major. A maximum of two credits in all small ensembles may be applied to the music major. Repeatable for credit - maximum four. Prerequisite: MUS 330; senior standing. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUS 432 Cr.2


Composition of musical themes with analysis and writing of counterpoint in two and three parts. Prerequisite: MUS 335 or MUS 366. Offered Occasionally.

MUS 434 Cr.1

Jazz Ensemble IV

Small ensemble open to students in all schools and colleges with consent of instructor. Requires concurrent enrollment in a large ensemble for music education majors: MUS 106/206/306/406 (Concert Choir), MUS 123/223/323/423 (Treble Chorus), MUS 158/258/358/458 (Choral Union), if choral and general music education major. MUS 100/200/300/400 (Marching Band), MUS 144/244/344/444 (Symphonic Band), MUS 156/256/356/456 (Orchestra), MUS 140/240/340/440 (Wind Symphony), if instrumental and general music education major. A maximum of two credits in all small ensembles may be applied to the music major. Repeatable for credit - maximum two. Prerequisite: MUS 334; senior standing. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUS 437 Cr.2

Form and Analysis

The study of the basic structural principles and patterns of music, of their expansion into the chief homophonic and contrapuntal forms in Western music. Prerequisite: MUS 335 or MUS 366. Offered Occasionally.

MUS 439 Cr.2

Techniques for Creating Music

This course is a survey of techniques for creating original music. Students explore different approaches to the creative process, build a vocabulary for critiquing their own and others' music, and learn effective strategies for communicating their ideas to performers. The course concludes with a final creative project. Prerequisite: MUS 366. Offered Alternate Years.

MUS 440 Cr.1

Wind Ensemble IV

Large ensemble open to students in all schools and colleges with consent of instructor. A maximum of six credits in all large ensembles may be applied to music major. Repeatable for credit - maximum four. Prerequisite: MUS 340; senior standing. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUS 444 Cr.1

Symphonic Band IV

Large ensemble open to students in all schools and colleges with consent of instructor. A maximum of six credits in all large ensembles may be applied to music major. Repeatable for credit - maximum two. Prerequisite: MUS 344. Offered Spring.

MUS 456 Cr.1

Orchestra IV

Large ensemble open to students in all schools and colleges with consent of instructor. A maximum of six credits in all large ensembles may be applied to music major. Repeatable for credit - maximum four. Prerequisite: MUS 356; senior standing. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUS 458 Cr.1

Choral Union IV

Large ensemble open to students in all schools and colleges with consent of instructor. A maximum of six credits in all large ensembles may be applied to music major. Repeatable for credit - maximum four. Prerequisite: MUS 358; senior standing. Offered Fall, Spring.

MUS 480 Cr.1-3

Independent Study of Music

Individual projects. Concentration in one area of advanced music study. Open to selected advanced students who have excellent records in the department. Admission by consent of adviser, instructor, and music department staff. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Consent of department. Offered Occasionally.

MUS 499 Cr.1-3

Special Topics in Music and Music Education

Special topics in music and music education not covered by current courses taught in the Music Department. The particular topic selected to be determined by the Music Department according to the current need and interest. Repeatable for credit. Prerequisite: MUS 336 or consent of the department chair; junior standing. Consent of instructor. Offered Occasionally.