Psychology Department (PSY)

College of Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities
Department Chair: Jocelyn Newton, Ph.D.
335A Graff Main Hall; 608.785.6889

Associate Chair: Ellen Rozek, Ph.D.
341E Graff Main Hall; 608.785.6899

The undergraduate program in psychology at UW-La Crosse provides an excellent grounding in the discipline of psychology. The Department of Psychology offers courses in several important sub fields within psychology including developmental, educational, experimental, social, clinical, counseling, and cross-cultural. The psychology major is one of the most popular majors on campus. There are approximately 700 students pursuing a psychology major and over 400 students pursuing a psychology minor. We are also the administrative home to the at-risk child & youth care (CYC) minor, neuroscience interdisciplinary minor, and gerontology certificate. Graduating seniors report high levels of employment and approximately 30% of psychology undergraduates go on to graduate school. The major provides a strong grounding in both the liberal arts and the scientific method. Psychology students are particularly encouraged to pursue fieldwork, internships and/or research experience. Every year, a select number of advanced students present independent research projects at state, regional, and national conferences. Overall, psychology is a solid liberal arts major that allows students a variety of career opportunities.

Psychology admission to program policy

The psychology major requires that first-year and second-year students declaring the major meet with a member of the Academic Advising Center & Career Services. Transfer students from other institutions or UWL students who change majors after their second year will be assigned a faculty advisor in the department as the first advising contact.

To ensure both existing and prospective students' timely completion of the psychology major requirements, students will be unable to declare a psychology major if they exceed 85 total units of completed and in-progress credits, represented at the top of the student's Advisement Report as "taken" units. 

Exemptions to this policy may be given under rare circumstances. Students may request an exemption to this policy by submitting an exemption request through the form linked on the Psychology Department website. Exemption requests will be reviewed by the department twice annually (i.e., mid-fall and mid-spring). Students will be notified of a decision prior to the deadline for program change requests. 

To continue in the psychology major, students will need to:

  1. Earn a grade of "C" or better in PSY 100 or its equivalent
  2. Earn a grade of "C" or better in STAT 145
  3. Complete ENG 110 or ENG 112 and CST 110
  4. Earn a minimum of a 2.25 GPA across the above four courses
  5. Complete a minimum of 30 credits

Students must meet those prerequisites before they can enroll in the required PSY 331 Research Methods: Lecture and Laboratory course. Students transferring to UWL with a college parallel Associate’s degree can transfer PSY 100 and STAT 145 with grades of "C" or better (or by taking those courses at UWL and earning "C" or better). The other components will be waived: ENG 110 and CST 110; GPA of 2.25 for PSY 100, STAT 145, ENG 110, and CST 110; 30 credit earned minimum.

Psychology credit by examination policy

Students may earn credit by examination for PSY 100 General Psychology (3 cr.). The following examinations are acceptable: Advanced Placement Program (AP) in psychology with a score of 3, 4, or 5; the "Higher Level" International Baccalaureate (IB) with a score of 4 or above; or the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) with a score of 47 or above. Students should contact the Counseling and Testing Center for information about CLEP; however, once a student has enrolled in PSY 100 they may not petition to earn credit with a CLEP exam.

General education writing emphasis

This department incorporates a significant amount of writing through the required courses instead of identifying particular courses as writing emphasis courses. Students who complete a major in this department will fulfill the general education writing emphasis requirement.

The following is the department's full-time faculty and staff as of the publication date of this catalog. This list will not be updated again until the next catalog is published in July.


Tracie Blumentritt

Grace Deason

Eric Hiris

Katherine (Katy) Kortenkamp

Tesia Marshik

Ryan McKelley

Jocelyn Newton

Alessandro Quartiroli

Associate Professor

Melanie Cary

Robert Dixon

Dan Hyson

Alexander O'Brien

Ellen Rozek

Erica Srinivasan

Casey Tobin

Kevin Zabel

Assistant Professor

Bianca Basten

Berna Gercek-Swing

Ruth Schumacher-Martinez

Tanvi Thakkar

Suthakaran (Sutha) Veerasamy

Teaching Professor

Lisa Caya

Assistant Teaching Professor

James Puckett

Jessica Schweigert


Ericka Check

Jeff Reiland

Administrative Support

Jane Fredrick

Taylor Wirkus

Neuroscience Courses

NEU 200 Cr.3

Introductory Neuroscience

This course will introduce the student to the interdisciplinary study of neuroscience through an investigation of the contributions made by biology, philosophy, and psychology. In so doing, the student will come to see the unique methodological and theoretical approaches each discipline brings to the discussion, and why it is that these different perspectives matter. The course will address the relevant introductory concepts associated with these discussions and engage a number of pertinent topics including learning, memory, attention, and perception, and the interrelationship between these processes. Prerequisite: grades of "C" or better in BIO 105 and PSY 100. Offered Annually.

NEU 490 Cr.1

Capstone Seminar in Neuroscience

A seminar-style course designed for students to review and discuss primary literature on current subjects of importance in neuroscience. Students are expected to participate and lead discussions of research literature, develop and write novel review articles, and actively participate in the assessment of the neuroscience interdisciplinary minor. This course should follow the completion of the other courses in the core curriculum of the neuroscience interdisciplinary minor. Prerequisite: NEU 200; PHL/PSY 333; BIO 415 or BIO 446; BIO 465. Pass/Fail grading. Offered Fall, Spring.

Psychology Courses

+PSY 100 Cr.3

General Psychology

A comprehensive introduction to contemporary basic principles and theories of behavior and related processes along with supporting scientific evidence and applications. Topics include sensory processes, perception, learning, memory, motivation, emotion, developmental change, measurement, social interaction and abnormal behavior. Offered Fall, Spring, Summer.

PSY 200 Cr.1

Orientation to the Psychology Major

This course is an orientation to psychology as a major. It is designed for sophomore level students who have either declared or are considering psychology as a major. It is also appropriate for second semester freshmen or first semester juniors. The field of psychology as a discipline will be discussed as will career options related to the field. Students will be required to complete a variety of tasks designed to identify and/or clarify career paths and goals and increase their understanding of psychology as both an empirical and applied field. Prerequisite: PSY 100. Offered Occasionally.

PSY 204 Cr.3

Abnormal Psychology

This course introduces students to various clinical presentations of psychopathology that may occur throughout human development from a trauma-informed perspective. It provides an overview of specific psychological disorders as well as disorder-specific etiological considerations, associated clinical features, defining characteristics, and diagnostic criteria. The course also includes overviews of current treatments for the major disorders, and ethical considerations in mental health care. Prerequisite: PSY 100 or PSY 212; sophomore standing. Offered Fall, Spring, Summer.

PSY 205 Cr.3

Effective Behavior

This course is a general overview of ways that psychological science can be applied to individuals' lives to increase effective behavior. Course themes include exploring ways to improve enactment of roles through the lifespan such as student, parent, worker, and life partner. Topics may include: coping and stress; alcohol and drugs; relationships; and workplace skills and career issues. Prerequisite: PSY 100. Offered Annually.

PSY 212 Cr.3

Lifespan Development

An overview of human development from conception through death. It emphasizes major developmental milestones in several domains, including physical, cognitive and social/emotional. It also introduces students to prominent historical, theoretical, and methodological approaches to human development as well as to practical applications. Offered Fall, Spring, Summer.

PSY 230 Cr.3

Cognitive and Biological Foundations of Psychology

This course will introduce core issues, theories, and experimental findings in cognitive and biological psychology. Topics to be covered may include research methods, brain structures, neuronal communication, plasticity, sensory processes, attention, learning, memory, language, decision making, and problem solving. This course will serve as an introduction to the importance of cognitive and biological foundations of psychology. It will allow students to draw connections with other branches of psychology and to apply these foundations to research and real world situations. Prerequisite: PSY 100. Offered Annually.

PSY 241 Cr.3

Social Psychology

This course provides a comprehensive overview of theories and research in social psychology - the scientific study of how our thoughts, feelings, and behavior are influenced by our social context. Topics may include social cognition, social perception, the self, attitudes and persuasion, prejudice and discrimination, conformity and obedience, aggression, helping behavior, and interpersonal relationships. Students are encouraged to think about how social-psychological theories and research can be applied to understand current events as well as everyday social experiences. Prerequisite: PSY 100 or SOC 110. Students may only earn credit in SOC 330 or PSY 241. Offered Fall, Spring, Summer.

+PSY 282 Cr.3

Cross-Cultural Psychology

This course is an orientation to the definitions, concepts, theories, and methodologies of cross-cultural psychology. Included is an examination of cultural and ecological factors and their influences on cognitive, social, and developmental processes, as well as on relationships, self and personality, language, and other psychological variables. Prerequisite: PSY 100. Offered Fall, Spring.

+PSY 283 Cr.3

Psychology of Culture and Race

This course focuses on the effects of culture, specifically White culture, on the nature and behavior of individuals in the United States, their adaptations to institutions and environments, and their relations within and outside their culture. We also explore psychological constructs such as racism, prejudice, microaggression, stereotype threat, and white supremacy thinking. Prerequisite: PSY 100; sophomore standing. Offered Fall, Spring.

+PSY 285 Cr.3

Culture and Mental Health

This course provides an examination of the relationship between culture and mental health. Specific attention is given to the impact of racism, prejudice, and minority status on the lives of various American minority groups and how the effects of these factors reveal themselves within a mental health framework. An eclectic, multidisciplinary approach that draws from clinical and social psychology, as well as sociology, is utilized. Prerequisite: PSY 100; sophomore standing. Offered Fall, Spring.

PSY 291 Cr.1-3

Contemporary Topics in Psychology: Beginner

Introductory exploration of special topics relevant to the field of psychology. Topics of specific interest to undergraduate students will be offered periodically. Offerings will be determined by staff/student interest and availability of teaching resources. Repeatable for credit. Departmental approval is necessary to apply more than six credits toward the psychology major. Prerequisite: PSY 100. Offered Occasionally.

PSY/PHL 301 Cr.3

Theory of Knowledge

This course is an intensive examination of the central philosophical questions surrounding the nature of knowledge, truth, and justification. Topics may include the difference between knowledge, wisdom, and know-how; analyses of knowledge, truth, and justification; the nature of misinformation; disagreement; the structure and sources of justification; the insights and limits of cognitive science; the role of human evolution in our understanding of the world; knowledge of abstract entities (e.g., principles of logic, mathematics, or morality); knowledge of the self and other minds; social cognition; and issues concerning the lived-experience of marginalized groups. (Cross-listed with PHL/PSY; may only earn credit in one department.) Offered Annually.

PSY 302 Cr.3

Environmental Issues: Applied Psychology

This course is an exploration of psychological perspectives on environmental issues. The course covers a variety of topics, such as how our attitudes, thoughts, and behaviors have contributed to environmental degradation, how we can use social and cognitive psychological tools to promote environmentally sustainable behaviors, the psychological effects of environmental toxins and disasters, and the psychological benefits of nature. Prerequisite: PSY 100 or ENV 101. Offered Occasionally.

PSY 305 Cr.3

Human Sexuality

This course is an exploration of human sexuality from biological, psychological, and sociological perspectives throughout the lifespan. Various aspects related to sexuality, sexual attitudes, and behaviors reflecting a broad spectrum of typicality and experiences are addressed. Prerequisite: PSY 100; minimum of 45 credits earned. Offered Annually.

PSY 307 Cr.3

Intimate Relationships

This course explores the development and life cycle of cross-sex and same-sex intimate relationships (e.g., dating, romantic, and martial partnerships). The course focuses on topics such as: human need for relationships, interpersonal attraction, love, attachment, communication, relationship development and maintenance, sexually, jealousy, conflict and aggression. Conditions influencing relationships such as illness, aging, poverty, trauma, and intimate partner violence are examined. The course also highlights factors associated with relationship success and/or dissolution. Students engage with the theory, research, and practical application of the course material. Prerequisite: PSY 100 or PSY 212; junior standing. Offered Occasionally.

PSY 308 Cr.1-2

Research Apprenticeship

This course offers research experience under the supervision of a faculty member. Students assist a faculty member in any phase of the research process including literature searches, formulation of instruments, pilot studies, data collection, data coding, data analysis, and presentation of research findings. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: PSY 331; psychology major; junior standing. Consent of department. Offered Fall, Spring.

PSY 315 Cr.3

Behavior Modification

This course will examine the theory and techniques of systematic behavior management and behavior control. Applied social learning theory, reinforcement, shaping, modeling, cognitive and rational techniques, extinction, aversive procedures, and token economies will be covered. Course will include the planning, execution, and evaluation of a personal behavior self-modification program, and several other opportunities to apply behavioral principles to everyday experiences. Prerequisite: PSY 100; PSY 204; PSY 212. Offered Annually.

PSY 316 Cr.3

Child Abuse and Neglect

This course provides an overview of child abuse and neglect from historical and contemporary perspectives. The course covers causes, consequences, and contextual factors associated with child maltreatment. Interventions for children, families, caregivers and the community are covered. Topics include physical and emotional abuse and neglect, sexual abuse, reporting and investigation, and prevention and treatment for victims and abusers. Prerequisite: PSY 212; junior standing. Offered Occasionally.

+PSY 318 Cr.3

Psychology of Women

This course provides an overview of theories and research on biological, psychological, and social aspects of women's lives and experiences, as well as a critical exploration of women's historical under-representation and marginalization within psychology. Topics include gender roles and stereotypes, the development of gender identities, gender similarities and differences, women's work and well-being. These topics are examined using intersectional and multicultural approaches. Prerequisite: PSY 100; sophomore standing. Offered Fall, Spring.

PSY 319 Cr.3

Men and Masculinities

This course examines everyday life using the theories, methods, and findings from the psychology of men and masculinities. The psychology of men is analyzed from multiple perspectives including biological, social learning, feminist, and social constructionist theories. The course considers the role of patriarchy, biology, the media, and other factors that shape the lives of individuals and social groups. Specific topics include men's mental and physical health, violence, work, and diversity. Prerequisite: PSY 100 or PSY 212; EFN 205 or PSY 282 or PSY 283 or PSY 318 or SOC 225 or SOC 369 or SOC 370 or any RGS course. Offered Occasionally.

PSY 320 Cr.3

Human Motivation

This course examines contemporary and historical psychological conceptions, principles, and theories of human motivation. Concern is given to physiological, cognitive, emotional, and social factors that influence human's desires, aspirations, and behaviors. Practical applications to multiple areas including education, industry, health, and everyday situations will be considered. Prerequisite: PSY 212. Offered Occasionally.

PSY 321 Cr.3

Research Methods for Psychology Minors

Introduction to the research methods associated with psychological research for psychology minors. Consideration given to formulation of problems, techniques for gathering data, and the presentation and interpretation of research. Focus on an ability to critically evaluate social science research. Prerequisite: PSY 100; 45 earned credits. Not open to psychology majors. Offered Occasionally.

PSY 325 Cr.3

LGBTQ+ Youth Psychology

This course is an introduction to the psychological study of LGBTQIA+ youth - their strengths, challenges, and lived experiences. We will "break the silence" surrounding LGBTQIA+ experiences by exploring underrepresented topics in this field. Students will explore major topics in LGBTQ psychology research such as identity development, minority stress, and romantic relationships. In all topics, we will focus on underrepresented perspectives and intersections of identity between sexual orientation, gender, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and others. We will answer the question "What strengths, obstacles, and contexts define the lives of LGBTQIA+ youth" by the end of the course. Prerequisite: junior standing. Offered Occasionally.

PSY 331 Cr.4

Research Methods: Lecture and Laboratory

This course provides an introduction to experimental and other research methods as used in psychology. The emphasis is on the scientific method, techniques of data collection, and the principles and theories employed in the study of behavior and mental processes. The laboratory portion develops skills in observation, formulating research ideas and hypotheses, designing and conducting research, data analysis, and scientific report writing. Lect. 2, Lab 4. Prerequisite: "C" or better in PSY 100 & STAT 145; complete ENG 110 or ENG 112, & CST 110; combined GPA of at least 2.25 in these four courses; completion of 30 cr.; three other credits in PSY. Open to psychology majors only. Offered Fall, Spring.

PSY/PHL 333 Cr.3

Philosophy of Mind

A study of the nature of the mind from both philosophical and psychological perspectives. The course will focus on important attempts to solve the mind-body problem, how mind and body are related and also will address the related problems of consciousness, intentionality, free will and personal identity. (Cross-listed with PHL/PSY; may only earn credit in one department.) Offered Fall.

PSY 334 Cr.3

Health Psychology

This course examines the role of psychological factors in health, wellness, and illness. The focus is on the interdependence of physiological, psychological, and sociocultural factors on the experience and treatment of acute and chronic illness. There is a strong emphasis on the mind/body connection and evidence-based mind/body interventions (e.g., physical, psychological, spiritual, social, emotional, and intellectual). Ethical considerations, multicultural contexts, and public policy issues in treatment and research are considered. Prerequisite: PSY 100 and six additional credits in PSY; or PSY 100 and BIO 312 or ESS 205. Offered Occasionally.

PSY 343 Cr.3

Group Dynamics

The course is about the factors that drive groups - and individuals embedded within groups - to behave in particular ways. Students explore how they perceive others and are perceived by them, how they communicate, and how they operate as a member of a small problem-solving group. Psychological research and theories on group processes such as development, roles, norms, decision-making, leadership, and dealing with conflict are used to understand human behavior and improve group functioning. Prerequisite: PSY 100 or SOC 110. Not open for credit to students who have completed or are enrolled in CST 365. Offered Occasionally.

PSY 347 Cr.3

Empathic Listening Skills

This course is designed to clearly define empathic listening skills within a trauma-informed context. Students learn to differentiate listening from psychotherapy and practice listening skills. Topics include values identification, basic listening skills, in-depth exploration skills, working in challenging situations, and action planning without counseling. Students explore how their own barriers may lead to projection, hindering empathic listening. Ideal for those who plan to work in a human services setting. Prerequisite: PSY 100; second semester sophomore standing. Offered Fall, Spring.

PSY/ART 350 Cr.3

The Practice of Art Therapy

As the theoretical orientation course in the art therapy minor, the class addresses current issues in the field of art therapy. Taking a multidisciplinary approach, students will explore art therapy theories, art therapy assessments, and the historical use of art therapy materials and media. Prerequisite: PSY 204 or PSY 212. (Cross-listed with ART/PSY; may only earn credit in one department.) Consent of department. Offered Occasionally.

PSY 356 Cr.3

Infancy and Childhood

This course focuses on basic principles, theories, and research in human development from conception through middle childhood (ages 5-12 approximately). Topics include physical, cognitive, language, social/emotional and personality development. Both the biological/genetic (nature) and the environmental (nurture) influences on development will be examined within each developmental area. Research methodology and theoretical perspectives will be integrated throughout each topic area. Prerequisite: PSY 212. Offered Annually.

PSY 357 Cr.3


Focuses on the developmental tasks of adolescence and the influence of family, peers, school and society. Topics include historical perspectives, cognitive and moral development, self-concept, sexuality, vocational choice, and problems of adolescence. Prerequisite: PSY 212. Offered Annually.

PSY 358 Cr.3


An overview of the 'journey of adulthood' including both continuity and change. It introduces students to major historical and theoretical perspectives on adult development as well as primary methodological techniques for studying adult development. It examines milestones and transitions in traditional developmental domains (physical, cognitive and social and emotional) and explores individual responses and adjustments to these experiences. Prerequisite: PSY 212 or gerontology emphasis. Offered Annually.

PSY 359 Cr.1

Aging and the Elderly

The study of aging and older persons from a psychological perspective. It highlights physical, cognitive, emotional and social characteristics of old people and developmental changes associated with aging processes. Special attention is focused on the differences between typical aging and disease-related conditions associated with aging. Attention also is focused on diversity in the experience of aging and on practical applications. Prerequisite: PSY 358 or concurrent enrollment. Offered Occasionally.

PSY 360 Cr.3

Cross Cultural Human Development

This course represents a blend of cross-cultural concepts and human development (across the lifespan) and will seek to explore the influence of culture on various aspects of human development. More specific topics include the role of culture on: socialization, physical growth, cognition, self and personality, sex and gender, social behavior, family relations, and health. Prerequisite: PSY 212. Offered Occasionally.

PSY 370 Cr.3

Educational Psychology

This course examines the application of psychological principles to school learning. Topics covered include theories of learning, individual differences, motivation, classroom management, measurement and evaluation, and effective teaching. The content is discussed in relation to current issues and problems. Prerequisite: one of the following: PSY 212, ESS 207, or ESS 200. Offered Annually.

PSY 376 Cr.3

Industrial/Organizational Psychology

Psychological principles, concepts and methods applicable to organizational and industrial situations and practices. Topics include personnel selection, placement and evaluation; training; motivation; leadership; and social factors in organizations. Prerequisites: six credits in psychology; junior standing. Offered Occasionally.

PSY 377 Cr.3

Psychology and Law

This course examines a variety of ways that psychology intersects with the legal system. Topics include criminal profiling, false confessions and eyewitness misidentification, forensic assessment of competency and insanity, jury selection and decision-making, the impact of race in criminal sentencing, the philosophy and psychology of imprisonment, workplace harassment and discrimination, and roles for psychologists in the legal system. Prerequisite: PSY 100 or SOC 110 or SOC 120 or ANT 101. Offered Occasionally.

PSY 391 Cr.1-3

Contemporary Topics in Psychology: Intermediate

Intermediate consideration of contemporary topics related to psychological theories and research methods. Topics of specific interest to undergraduate students will be offered periodically. Offerings will be determined by staff/student interest and availability of teaching resources. Credit, prerequisite and format will vary according to the specific topics selected and the target student group. Repeatable for credit. Departmental approval is necessary to apply more than six credits toward the psychology major. Offered Occasionally.

PSY 403 Cr.3

Advanced Psychopathology

This course focuses on selected topics in the area of clinical and abnormal psychology and is designed to provide in-depth knowledge of advanced current issues in the field. It helps prepare students for the field of human services by offering additional information beyond that conveyed in the abnormal psychology course on the diagnosis and treatment of a number of psychological disorders. Prerequisite: PSY 204; junior standing. Offered Occasionally.

PSY 404 Cr.3

Counseling and Personality Theories

A comprehensive conceptual review of theories of psychotherapy and counseling with a focus on the processes of change. The theories examined include the psychodynamic, person-centered, gestalt, cognitive-behavioral, Adlerian, existential, and group therapy. This course focuses on the presentation of a transtheoretical analysis of these major theoretical views and methods used in psychotherapy. The course emphasizes the pragmatic and integrated qualities of major theories of psychotherapy and counseling. Prerequisite: PSY 100 or PSY 212; PSY 204; PSY major or minor, criminal justice minor, at risk child/youth care minor, or art therapy minor. Offered Fall, Spring.

PSY 405 Cr.1-2

Teaching Apprenticeship in Psychology

This course offers students the opportunity to assist a faculty member in teaching a course. Responsibilities may include grading and providing feedback on assignments, discussions, exams, and papers. Students may have the opportunity to lead discussions or give lectures. Students may hold office hours and offer tutoring. Students may learn about and give feedback to the instructor on instructional practices, strategies, and techniques. Students may assist in managing Canvas materials and grades. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: minimum 3.25 cumulative GPA; psychology major; junior standing. Consent of instructor. Pass/Fail grading. Offered Fall, Spring.

PSY 406 Cr.3

Positive Psychology

Positive psychology explores the enhancement of human experience for individuals, families, and communities rather than a focus on mental illness. The course examines attitudes, traits, behaviors, and environments associated with well-being. Emphasis will be placed on both understanding the concepts as well as the possible avenues for application to students' lives. The course offers opportunities for self-assessment and the ability to demonstrate individual understanding of the research base supporting the field. Prerequisite: PSY 100; PSY 204; PSY 212; junior standing. Offered Occasionally.

PSY 407 Cr.3

Children's Cognition

This course is an examination of contemporary theories and current research on children's cognition, focusing on the years from birth to early adolescence. Topics include biological bases of cognitive development, Piagetian and neo-Piagetian theory, sociocultural theories of cognition, information-processing approaches to children's memory and problem-solving, the development of social cognition, and schooling and cognition. Prerequisite: PSY 212; PSY 331. Offered Annually.

PSY 410 Cr.3

Advanced Developmental Psychology

An in-depth study of important topics in developmental psychology. Relevant theories and recent research in social development, cognitive development, moral development, language development, and emotional development will be evaluated. Prerequisite: PSY 212; PSY 321 or PSY 331; STAT 145; junior standing. Offered Occasionally.

PSY/RGS 415 Cr.3

Multicultural Counseling

This course focuses on the effects of culture on the nature and behavior of individuals, their adaptations to institutions and environments, and their relations within and outside their culture. Specifically, the impact of concepts such as ethnocentrism, stereotypes, racism and prejudice are explored in terms of their relevance to the counseling process. Strategies and skills relevant to providing effective multicultural counseling are investigated. Prerequisite: PSY 100; PSY 283 or PSY 285 or RGS 100. (Cross-listed with PSY/RGS; may only earn credit in one department.) Offered Occasionally.

PSY 417 Cr.3

Child and Adolescent Psychopathology

An examination of psychological, behavioral, and neurodevelopmental disorders which first appear during infancy, childhood and adolescence. This course covers the etiology, diagnosis, classification, treatment, and possible prevention of psychological, behavioral, and neurodevelopmental disorders from different theoretical perspectives orientations. Special emphasis is placed on applying basic concepts and empirical data to various professional settings and to social policy issues. Prerequisite: PSY 204; PSY 212. Offered Occasionally.

PSY 420 Cr.3

Advanced Research Methods

An advanced course in the quantitative and logical aspects of statistical analysis, interpretation and design of behavioral science research and experimentation. Major emphasis is on the conceptual rather than the computational aspects of quantitative methods. Recommended for those planning graduate work in psychology or related fields. Prerequisite: PSY 100; PSY 212; grade of "B" or better in PSY 331; grade of "B" or better in STAT 145 or admission to Psychology Honors Program; junior standing. Offered Spring.

PSY/SOC 422 Cr.3

Death, Dying, and Bereavement

In this course, students explore the psychological and social dimensions of death, dying and bereavement, including the ways in which individual factors, intersectionality, family, community, society, culture and policies influence how we live, die and grieve. An emphasis is placed on identifying one's own values as they relate to topics within death and dying. Topics are explored throughout the life-course, from theoretical, research and practical perspectives. Prerequisite: PSY 100 or SOC 110 or SOC 120 or ANT 101 or gerontology certificate; junior standing. (Cross-listed with PSY/SOC; may only earn credit in one department.) Offered Annually.

PSY 425 Cr.3

Understanding the Mental Health Counseling Profession

This course introduces students to the field of mental health counseling. It familiarizes students with the assumptions, theories, strategies, applications, and ethical and legal considerations related to mental health counseling. Students are introduced to the core requirements and multicultural competencies necessary to become a counselor, the various employment opportunities and settings in the counseling profession, and the roles and functions of counselors in these settings. Central to this course is an on-going self-evaluation of the students' attitudes, values, interpersonal skills, and motives for choosing counseling as a potential profession. Prerequisite: psychology major or minor; junior standing. Offered Occasionally.

PSY 426 Cr.3

Addictive Behaviors

Study of the personality characteristics of individuals experiencing substance abuse, dependency, and compulsive behaviors such as eating disorders and gambling. The focus is on abuse as a maladaptive response to the demands of life. Special topics include consumptive patterns, level of dependence, neurological status, assessment, and contemporary treatment techniques. Prerequisite: PSY 100; PSY 204; PSY 212; junior standing. Offered Occasionally.

PSY 430 Cr.3

Cognitive Neuroscience

This course focuses on the biology of behavior and understanding the mental phenomena as it relates to behavior. Biological information includes the development and structure of the central nervous system, neuroanatomy and physiology, the function of basic neural events, neurotransmitters, neuropharmacology, hormones, evolution of behavior, brain development, neuroplasticity, and response to neural damage. Topics associated with how neural events influence human phenomena may include basic neural mechanisms, sensory systems, sensorimotor control, learning, memory, neuroplasticity, and biopsychological disorders. Prerequisite: PSY 100; PSY 321 or PSY 331 or BIO 312; junior standing. Offered Occasionally.

PSY 431 Cr.3


A comprehensive examination of conscious and nonconscious states of awareness. This course explores contemporary cognitive and neuroscience theories on the nature of consciousness and its role and functioning in human behavior. The course also discusses states of consciousness (i.e., sleep and dreaming) as well as alterations in consciousness. Prerequisite: PSY 100; BIO 312 or PSY 321 or PSY 331 or PHL 333. Offered Occasionally.

PSY 432 Cr.3

Learning and Memory

A study of the fundamental concepts and principles of human and animal learning and contemporary topics in human memory. Specific topics include classical and operant (instrumental) conditioning, concept and skill learning, memory storage, and retrieval, forgetting, and the use of information. Prerequisite: PSY 100; PSY 321 or PSY 331. Offered Occasionally.

PSY 434 Cr.3

Clinical Neuropsychology

This course examines the relationship between brain functioning and cognition and behavior. The course covers neuroanatomy, neuropsychological assessment, and application to disorders. The history, rationale, goals, and procedures of neuropsychological assessment are explored alongside the role that neuropsychologists play in the evaluation and treatment of individuals with disorders (e.g. dementia, stroke, or traumatic brain injury). Prerequisite: PSY 100, PSY 321 or PSY 331 or BIO 312; junior standing. Offered Occasionally.

PSY 435 Cr.3

Cognitive Processes

This course examines theories, models, and related experimental research concerning human mental processes. Topics include acquisition of information, memory, decision-making, problem solving, and language. Prerequisite: PSY 100; PSY 321 or PSY 331; junior standing. Offered Occasionally.

PSY 436 Cr.3

Psychology of Language

An introductory course in psycholinguistics concerned with the comprehension, production and acquisition of language. Other topics may include: language and thought, reading, writing, bilingualism, figurative language, metalinguistic skills, and the neuropsychology of language. Prerequisite: PSY 100; PSY 321 or PSY 331; junior standing. Offered Occasionally.

PSY 439 Cr.3

Sensation and Perception

Survey of the anatomy and physiology of the human sensory systems including vision, audition, smell, taste, the skin senses, and the vestibular senses. Additionally, the course examines the process of perception, wherein sensory stimuli are interpreted and restructured, resulting in meaningful experience for the perceiver. Prerequisite: PSY 100; PSY 321 or PSY 331 or BIO 312. Offered Annually.

PSY 440 Cr.3


The course surveys the neurochemical, physiological, and behavioral effects of the major classes of psychoactive drugs, including therapeutic agents and drugs of use/abuse. Special emphasis is on the drug's site of action, therapeutic effects, side effects, and clinical uses for psychiatric diagnoses. Also included is discussion on psychedelic-assisted therapies and the link between the gut microbiome and health. Prerequisite: PSY 100; PSY 321 or PSY 331 or BIO 312; junior standing. Offered Occasionally.

PSY 441 Cr.3

Advanced Social Psychology

The course will provide coverage of methodology most frequently encountered in social psychology and cover topics both of classic and current interest such as stereotypes and prejudice, evolutionary psychology, interpersonal and group dynamics, leadership, and power. Prerequisite: grade of "B" or higher in PSY 241 or SOC 330; STAT 145. Offered Occasionally.

PSY/RGS 442 Cr.3

Racism and Oppression

This course focuses on psychological theory and research regarding individual, group, historical, institutional, and societal causes of racism and oppression. The manifestations and consequences of racism and oppression are examined as are the challenges inherent in reducing racism and oppression. Both historical and contemporary racism and oppression in a global context are analyzed. Prerequisite: one of the following: ERS 100, RGS 100, PSY 241, PSY 285, or SOC 330; junior standing. Students with credit in PSY/RGS 443 cannot earn credit in PSY/RGS 442. (Cross-listed with PSY/RGS; may only earn credit in one department.) Offered Occasionally.

PSY/RGS 443 Cr.3

Prejudice and Stigma

This course explores the psychological underpinnings of prejudice and stigma from an empirical, research-based perspective. In addition to covering well-recognized forms of prejudice such as racism, the course examines discrimination more broadly in terms of its impact on those who stigmatize and those who are stigmatized. Prerequisite: PSY 100; PSY 241 or SOC 330; PSY 321 or PSY 331. Students with credit in PSY/RGS 442 may not earn credit in PSY/RGS 443. (Cross-listed with PSY/RGS; may only earn credit in one department.) Offered Occasionally.

PSY 450 Cr.2-4

Internship in Psychology

This is a practical and guided learning experience in the field of psychology, where the student intern's duties and responsibilities are tailored to the needs of the approved site in connection to the student's abilities. Students participate in course activities that connect their experiential learning with their academics. This supervised experience is arranged through Career Services and supervised by the psychology instructional coordinator. No more than four credits may be applied to a major in psychology. Prerequisite: PSY 100, PSY 212; cumulative GPA of 2.30; psychology major; junior standing. Consent of instructor. Offered Fall, Spring, Summer.

PSY 451 Cr.3

Psychological Measurement

Principles and procedures for the psychological measurement of human differences. This course examines the development, quantitative interpretation, uses, distinctive and desired characteristics of tests of intelligence, aptitudes, achievement, occupational interests and personality. Prerequisite: PSY 100; PSY 321 or PSY 331; grade of "C" or better in STAT 145; junior standing. Offered Annually.

PSY 459 Cr.3

Genes and Behavior

An overview of the impact of genetics on individual differences in human behavior in relation to the environment. Topics include basic molecular genetics and neurobiology, quantitative genetics, and behavior genetic methodologies. We critically examine important findings from the field of behavior genetics on a variety of dimensions of human behavior, ranging from IQ to clinical disorders, such as bipolar disorder, depression, and schizophrenia. Prerequisite: PSY 100; PSY 212; PSY 321 or PSY 331 or BIO 312. Offered Occasionally.

PSY 461 Cr.3

History and Systems of Psychology

This course examines the philosophical and empirical foundations of modern psychology and covers outstanding contributions by individual scholars and the development of major systems of thought within the field. Recommended for students considering graduate school in psychology. Prerequisite: PSY 100; PSY 321 or PSY 331; STAT 145; junior standing. Offered Occasionally.

PSY 481 Cr.1-3

Individual Projects in Psychology

Directed readings, research, or other individualized projects in psychology under the supervision of an instructor. Open to students who are in good standing. Registration requires consent of supervising instructor and department chair. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: 12 credits in psychology; psychology major. Consent of instructor. Offered Fall, Spring.

PSY 482 Cr.1-3

Honors Projects in Psychology

This course allows psychology honors students to complete their independent research projects. Honors students must enroll for a total of three credits (over one or two semesters). Repeatable for credit - maximum three. Prerequisite: PSY 420, PSY 489. Consent of department. Offered Fall, Spring.

PSY 485 Cr.1

Appraising Psychology Seminar

This seminar is designed to actively involve students in the assessment of their psychology education. Students will complete a variety of measures as well as provide in-depth feedback about the psychology major. Students are expected to reflect on themes, debates, and issues in the field of psychology. Prerequisite: senior standing; psychology major/minor. Pass/Fail grading. Offered Spring - Odd Numbered Years.

PSY 488 Cr.3

Research Capstone: Revise and Resubmit

This course gives students the chance to revise and replicate their PSY 331 (Research Methods) study. The focus is on learning from mistakes, implementing feedback, and applying classroom knowledge to hands-on projects. Students will also get experience submitting an IRB (ethics board) protocol and presenting at a university-wide research conference. Prerequisite: grade of "C" or better in PSY 331; PSY major; junior standing. Offered Annually.

PSY 489 Cr.3

Honors Seminar

Students develop introductions and methods for independent research projects. Designing sound proposals and grappling with research design issues are the main foci of the course. Projects are completed under the supervision of a faculty adviser (PSY 481). Prerequisite: acceptance into Psychology Honors Program; PSY 100, PSY 331; PSY 420 (may be taken concurrently); STAT 145; junior standing. Consent of department. Offered Spring.

PSY 491 Cr.1-3

Contemporary Topics in Psychology: Advanced

This course provides in-depth consideration of significant new areas of development in the field of psychology. Topics of interest to traditional and nontraditional students will be offered on an irregular basis. Credit, prerequisite, and format will vary according to the specific topic selected and the target student group. Repeatable for credit. Offered Occasionally.

PSY 495 Cr.3

Senior Seminar in Psychology

This seminar is designed to give graduating Psychology majors a small classroom experience for more intensive study of a specific area or problem in the field of psychology. Through discussion, interactive activities, and project development, students will work closely with each other and the instructor to go deeper into an interesting topic area. Topics will vary each semester based on the interests and expertise of the instructor, and the seminar will be capped at 15 students. Prerequisite: psychology major with 90+ credits. Offered Fall, Spring.