Marketing Department (MKT)

College of Business Administration
Department Chair: Maggie McDermott
3102 Wittich Hall; 608.785.6751

Marketing offers challenges, stimulating problems, working with people and unlimited advancement opportunities. The variety and number of career and job opportunities available to you upon graduation is impressive.

According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook, employment of advertising, marketing, promotions, public relations and sales managers is expected to increase through 2018. "Job growth will be spurred by competition for a growing number of goods and services, both foreign and domestic, and the need to make one's product or service stand out."1 In addition, as the influence of social media, the Internet and advertising via wireless devices changes the promotional landscape, marketing professionals will need to develop new and innovative ways to advertise and promote products and services to better reach desired market segments.

Positions in marketing provide excellent training because of the knowledge of products and consumers gained in these jobs. Due to their importance and high visibility, managers in marketing positions often are prime candidates for advancement to the highest levels in an organization.2


Beyer, Gregory, "A Career in Marketing/Advertising, " Wall Street Journal, September 13, 2010,


Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2010-2011 

The following is the department's faculty and staff as of the publication date of this catalog. This list will not be updated again until the next catalog is published in July.


Gwen Achenreiner

Associate Professor

Elizabeth Crosby

Kenneth Graham

Maggie McDermott

Nese Nasif

Assistant Professor

Andreas Eklund

Tu Tu

Associate Teaching Professor

Terrance Gabel

Stacy Trisler

Assistant Teaching Professor

Aaron Koepke

Pam Culver

Administrative Support

Erika Pfeiffer


MKT 250 Cr.1-3

Marketing Internship

A marketing related internship that provides an opportunity to earn academic credit for experiential learning when working for cooperating business, government, or civic organizations. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. No more than three credits per semester. Prerequisite: cumulative GPA of at least 2.50. Consent of department. Pass/Fail grading. Offered Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer.

MKT 299 Cr.1-3

Marketing Independent Study

This courses consists of individual research, readings, or applied study under the guidance of a faculty member. It is open to select students who have excellent credentials and an interest in undergraduate research. Repeatable for credit - maximum three. Prerequisite: declared marketing major; cumulative GPA of at least 3.0. Consent of department. Pass/Fail grading. Offered Fall, Spring.

MKT/MGT 301 Cr.3

Business Communication

This course explores different genres of written and oral communication employed in the business environment. Emphasis is placed on utilizing communication strategies that are tailored to both the audience and the organizational context in which the communication takes place. The ethical implications of communication within a business environment are also considered. This course develops a process approach to writing, which moves from planning through revision and final editing in producing business-related documents. Students are also introduced to communication techniques that enhance productivity within groups as well as develop the ability to write as a team and create presentations that flow seamlessly. Prerequisite: ACC 221; CST 110; ECO 110, ECO 120; ENG 110 or ENG 112; sophomore standing; CBA major or healthcare analytics management minor. (Cross-listed with MGT/MKT; may only earn credit in one department.) Offered Fall, Spring.

MKT 309 Cr.3

Principles of Marketing

An introduction to the study of marketing in business and other organizations. Topics include: the marketing environment, marketing strategies and decision-making, marketing ethics and the international dimension of marketing strategy. Prerequisite: ECO 110; business minor or a major with a business concentration and junior standing, or admission to business. Offered Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer.

MKT/MGT 310 Cr.3

Principles of Sustainable Business

This course lays a business foundation on the relationships between social, environmental, and economic systems and their impact on business. Challenges to existing business theory will embrace a sustainability perspective of business that includes an introduction to sustainability frameworks, system thinking, and current trends in and among sustainability issues and business stakeholders. Prerequisite: admission to business. (Cross-listed with MGT/MKT; may only earn credit in one department.) Offered Fall.

MKT/FIN/MGT 323 Cr.3

Integrated Core Business Consulting and Professional Communication

In this course, students build knowledge and skills needed to integrate and apply material across the functional areas of business to solve complex business problems. Knowledge areas and skill sets that are specifically targeted include decision making and critical thinking, communication, teamwork, and time management. Students develop in these areas while building a foundation in effective business consulting. Students work in teams to complete applied business consulting projects, while also engaging in smaller written assignments and exercises throughout the course. Prerequisite: students must take this course concurrently with integrated core sections of MGT 308, MKT 309, and FIN 355. (Cross-listed with FIN/MGT/MKT; may only earn credit in one department.) Consent of instructor. Offered Fall.

MKT 341 Cr.3

International Marketing

The course is an in-depth study of marketing activities and processes across national borders. Topics include macro-environmental factors and global market dynamics, marketing strategy and decision-making, international marketing opportunities, and entry-mode decisions. Prerequisite: MKT 309. Offered Fall, Spring.

MKT 351 Cr.3

Sustainability in Marketing

The course addresses environmental, social and economic sustainability issues facing society and modern marketing professionals. Course discussion will include sustainable marketing strategies, consumer attitudes, and consumption. Prerequisite: MKT 309; admission to business. Offered Spring.

MKT 360 Cr.3

Social Media Marketing

This course provides students with insights into the ever-changing world of social media and its ubiquitous presence with firms and customers alike. Students learn how to use social media business strategies to leverage meaningful interactions with consumers to increase brand awareness, identify target audiences, generate leads, drive sales, and establish loyalty. Emphasis is placed on learning state-of-the-art technology and analytics concepts and tools that help business managers gain a competitive advantage through the creation and distribution of valuable, relevant, and consistent content. Prerequisite: MKT 309; admission to business. Offered Spring.

MKT 362 Cr.3

Consumer Behavior

This course examines fundamental concepts related to consumer behavior. Topics include information processing, perception, attitudes, sentiments and feelings, learning, persuasion, motivation, decision-making, social/cultural influences, and managerial implications. Prerequisite: MKT 309; admission to business or exercise science sport management. Offered Fall, Spring.

MKT 365 Cr.3

Integrated Marketing Communications

This course introduces the various forms and tools of marketing promotion. It includes an analysis of promotional activities in the development of an integrated marketing communications plan. It also develops student understanding of the role of promotion and the integrated nature of marketing planning. This course details the nature and process of developing integrated marketing campaigns as a part of the promotional mix. Students examine integrated marketing research, media planning, budgeting, creative activities, and ethical considerations. Prerequisite: MKT 309; admission to business or exercise science sport management. Offered Fall, Spring.

MKT 367 Cr.3

Market Research

This course examines the research techniques commonly used to examine buyer behavior, including secondary data, surveys, and focus groups. Topics also include an analysis of research design methods, and the application of research to marketing decision making. Prerequisite: MKT 309; ECO 230; admission to business. Offered Fall, Spring.

MKT 370 Cr.3

Professional Selling

This course examines the role of business to business personal selling in the marketing mix and addresses personal selling activities and techniques. Topics covered include communication and persuasion, prospecting, needs identification, overcoming objections, presentations, closing methods, time and territory management, social, ethical, and legal issues. Prerequisite: MKT 309; upper division CBA course requirement or admission to exercise sport science - sport management. Offered Fall, Spring.

MKT 380 Cr.3

Strategic Brand Management

This course provides students with insights into the importance of brand equity as well as the means of building, measuring, and managing brand equity. Students identify the role of consumer perceptions, traditional and digital marketing programs, and the impact of time and geographies in establishing brand equity. Emphasis is placed on learning state-of-the-art concepts, frameworks, and tools; and established global practices to build and sustain strong brands. Prerequisite: MKT 309; admission to business. Offered Fall.

MKT 386 Cr.3

Business Marketing and Distribution

Business-to-business marketing issues are explored, including distinctive characteristics of the business market, ways in which organizations make buying decisions, requirements for marketing strategy success, with an emphasis on distribution/supply chain in business marketing. Prerequisite: MKT 309; upper division CBA course requirement. Offered Fall.

MKT 400 Cr.1-3

Marketing Forum

Emphasis will be on examination and study of current marketing issues. Topics will vary from semester to semester. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: MKT 309; admission to business. Offered Occasionally.

MKT 415 Cr.3

Marketing Application and Advanced Research

The planning, development, and implementation of an individual marketing-related research project or small group applied case study. Students will develop a project proposal and a written report related to their marketing studies, including an analysis of how the project relates to career goals. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: MKT 367; six additional credits of MKT major coursework; admission to business. Offered Fall, Spring.

MKT 440 Cr.3

Comparative Marketing Systems

A comparative marketing analysis of a specific region or country. An examination of the marketing practices, social forces, politics, trade history, and economics of (a) specific international area(s). Special attention to the operations of U.S. based firms operating in the area(s). Prerequisite: MKT 309; MKT 341 or instructor approval; admission to business or international business minor. Offered Summer.

MKT 444 Cr.3

Sports and Recreation Marketing

A comprehensive study of the planning, organization and implementation of marketing plans for all segments of the sports and recreation industry. Topics covered include: assessing market potential, defining the customer, location analysis, pricing, promotion, facilities and services management. Other issues addressed include the impact of new technology, cultural changes and other uncontrollable factors on sports marketing. Prerequisite: MKT 309; admission to business or exercise sport science - sport management. Offered Fall.

MKT 445 Cr.3

International Marketing Strategies

A study of policy and strategy formulation in the context of international marketing. Emphasis is placed on both the theory and application of international marketing decision processes. Prerequisite: MKT 309; MKT 341 or instructor approval; admission to business or international business minor. Offered Occasionally.

MKT 450 Cr.3

Advanced Marketing Internship

An advanced marketing internship provides an opportunity for students to gain professional job experience by working in an area of marketing, applying theory and concepts to the marketing needs of a cooperating business, government, or civic organization, for a minimum of 150 hours. Prerequisite: MKT/MGT 301 or FIN/MKT/MGT 323; MKT 309; six credits of completed or concurrent 300/400-level MKT coursework; cumulative GPA of at least 2.50. Consent of department. Offered Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer.

MKT 465 Cr.3

Digital Marketing and Analytics

This course offers a hands-on, application-based approach to the use of digital channels as marketing tools. The course explores how marketers use digital media, such as websites, blogs, social media platforms, and email for marketing communication purposes. Topics covered include search engine optimization, website design, content strategy, social media marketing, campaign management and evaluation, advertising, and digital marketing metrics and analysis. Prerequisite: MKT 309; MKT 365 or concurrent enrollment; upper division CBA course requirement. Offered Fall.

MKT 467 Cr.3

Marketing Analytics

This course covers the marketing analytics field from a broad and applied perspective, allowing students to practice utilizing marketing analytics from a "consumer of insights" point of view. The focus is on understanding the results from analytics; managing analytical projects successfully; and communicating insights for business impact. The course will not focus on coding. The types of data managers and executives are most likely to encounter, including Big Data, will be examined. The most commonly applied multivariate analytical approaches (such as regression, cluster analysis, multidimensional scaling, etc.), including a few new and emerging areas such as social data analysis, text analytics, and neural nets will be explained using simple step-by-step examples, with a heavy focus on business application. Students will practice solving real business problems by selecting and applying the right data and the best analytics. Prerequisite: MKT 309; one of the following: ECO 307, IS 300, MGT 402, or MKT 367; upper division CBA course requirement. Offered Occasionally.

MKT 470 Cr.3

Sales Force Management

Effective management of sales people directly impacts the success of a marketing strategy and of the company in general. Consequently, it is imperative that sales managers develop the basic competencies to effectively manage and lead a business-to-business (B2B) sales force in order to meet the overall goals of the organization. This course enables students to develop these valuable competencies as well as business-related decision-making skills in the areas of a successful sales force program. Emphasis is placed on sales potential and forecasting, sales force investment and budget, ethical and legal issues, emotional intelligence, account relationship strategies, recruitment, training, motivation, and compensation. Prerequisite: MKT 309; MKT 370 or concurrent enrollment; upper division CBA course requirement. Offered Spring.

MKT 479 Cr.3

Marketing Management

The analysis, planning, implementation and control of marketing programs designed to bring about desired exchanges with target markets within organizational objectives. Prerequisite: MKT 341, MKT 362, MKT 367; to be taken in the student's semester of graduation; admission to business. Offered Fall, Spring.

MKT/MGT 480 Cr.3

Business Sustainability Capstone

The purpose of the capstone course is to integrate the knowledge and concepts students have gained through the sustainable business minor. The course is designed to apply the tools and insights gained in this and other courses to a defined project, creating deliverables that will be useful to partner organizations. This is done by developing a substantial project in any of the following formats: a client-based project with a client of your choosing, a business plan, research study, white paper, training manual, survey/interview, case study, strategic/long-range planning document, grant proposal, feasibility study, or sustainability campaign design (for marketing). Prerequisite: MGT/MKT 310; MGT 408; three credits of CBA sustainable business minor electives. Open only to minors in sustainable business. (Cross-listed with MGT/MKT; may only earn credit in one department.) Offered Spring.

MKT 499 Cr.3

Advanced Marketing Independent Study

This course consists of individual reading or research under the guidance of a faculty member. It is open to selected advanced students who have excellent records in the department. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: MKT 309 and six additional upper level credits completed, or concurrent, of MKT coursework; cumulative GPA of at least 3.0; admission to business. Consent of department. Offered Fall, Spring.