Geography Minor: Humans and the Environment Emphasis

(All colleges)

18 credits

GEO 110World Cultural Regions3
GEO 200Conservation of Global Environments3
Select 12 credits from the following, at least nine of which must be at the 300/400-level:
Maps and Society
Contemporary Global Issues
Global Climate Change
Power, Space, and Global Change
Cities: Past, Present, and Future
Transportation Equity and Sustainable Communities
The Geography of Latin America and the Caribbean
Energy, the Environment, and Sustainability
Sustainable Development and Conservation
Islamic Asia: Cradle of Civilizations, Geographies of Conflict
Polar Environments
Sustainable Water Resource Management
Special Topics in Geography and Environmental Science 1
Seminar in Geography and Environmental Science 2
Total Credits18

A maximum of three credits of GEO 470 may be applied to the minor. 


A maximum of three credits of GEO 495 may be applied to the minor. 

A maximum of six credits may be double counted between the General Education Program and the minor.

Geography, environmental science, earth science, and geoarchaeology majors/minors may only duplicate six GEO credits between the major/minor and the geography minor with humans and the environment emphasis.