Anthropology (ANT) - Courses


+ANT 101 Cr.3

Human Nature/Human Culture

This course provides an overview of the four subfields of anthropology: physical anthropology, archaeology, cultural anthropology, and linguistic anthropology. The course will focus on how anthropologists seek to understand what it means to be human by examining how people are biologically, culturally, and socially similar and different around the world. We will cover multiple aspects of the human experience, including human evolution and biological diversity, primates and hominids, domestication and subsistence practices, marriage systems, sex and gender norms, religious beliefs, and linguistic diversity. Offered Annually.

+ANT 102 Cr.4

Introduction to Biological Anthropology

This course introduces the basic fields of biological anthropology: population genetics, human osteology, primatology, pale anthropology, and forensics. The class provides a substantive framework for learning about the biological diversity of the human species through scientific inquiry. The foundations of evolutionary theory and the fossil evidence for human evolution are also presented. Lect. 3, Lab. 2. Offered Annually.

ANT 195 Cr.3

Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

This course examines the behavior and customs of people throughout the world. Students will gain a better understanding of the variation of human thought and behavior and how anthropologists analyze the vast range of cultural differences. We will describe the patterns of marriage, family organization, gender and sexuality, political behavior, economic systems, subsistence patterns, religion and ritual, etc. of societies all over the world. We will also examine some of the global issues that societies contend with, such as development, transnational migration, and the economic and political ramifications of colonization. Offered Annually.

ANT 196 Cr.3

Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology

This course is an introduction to linguistic anthropology. Language is central to enculturation, whether it comes in the form of speech, writing, gesture, or style. We will start with a four-field perspective, examining the origins of human communication, early writing systems, cultural differences in language socialization, and how people use language now. From there, we will focus on the role language plays in people's social lives. Topics include gesture, literacy and global media, linguistic variation, language and identity, multilingualism, and language change and loss. Offered Annually.

+ANT 202 Cr.3

Contemporary Global Issues

This course will offer a contemporary multi-disciplinary perspective regarding the major issues and trends confronting the global society as it enters the 21st century. Emphasis will be given to a critical review and assessment of the origin and present condition of the plethora of situations and problems affecting modern global society. The student will also learn to critically evaluate current and future events. The course will incorporate the views and approaches of the following disciplines: anthropology, economics, geography, history, political science, and sociology. Students may only earn credit in one of the following: ANT 202, GEO 202, HIS 202, POL 202, SOC 202. Offered Annually.

ANT 215 Cr.3

Refugees, Displaced Persons and Transnational Communities

This course explores the lives of refugees, displaced persons and the emergence of transnational communities. Emphasis is placed on the causes of refugee movements; policies and practices concerning the status and rights of refugees; and asylum and resettlement in other countries. A comparative approach is used to draw attention to how people cope with displacement and transnational migration and establish new roots in the country of resettlement. Offered Occasionally.

ANT/ARC 304 Cr.3

Hunter and Gatherer Societies

This course focuses on recent human societies throughout the world that have lived by hunting and gathering wild resources. The specific subsistence strategies of a wide range of hunter-gatherer groups are examined relative to their technology, social structure, territory, demography and interaction with food producers. The conclusion of this course will consider hunter-gatherers in prehistory. (Cross-listed with ANT/ARC; may only earn credit in one department.) Offered Occasionally.

ANT/ARC 305 Cr.3

Indigenous Agricultural Societies: Past and Present

This course examines the origins, structure, social organization, and operation of indigenous agricultural societies. A central focus of the course is an inquiry based, sequential examination of geographically related couplets involving (1) contemporary indigenous agricultural tribal societies and (2) archaeological excavation reports. The utility of the ethnographic record as a guide to interpretation of the archaeological record is evaluated. (Cross-listed with ANT/ARC; may only earn credit in one department.) Offered Occasionally.

ANT 307 Cr.3

International Development and Culture Change

In an increasingly global world, what does it mean for cultures to change? What does it mean for cultures to stay the same? This course examines what "development" means to people in different cultures, and how the concept of development is itself a product of colonialism, the Cold War, and the current focus on what has been called the neoliberal global economy. The goals of the course are 1) to provide students with a comprehensive study of what economic, social, cultural, and political development has meant over time, and 2) to illustrate the benefits, limitations, and consequences of "progress" and "development" in the lives of people all over the globe. Course examples will come from topics such as conservation, sustainability, and the environment; the preservation of indigenous peoples' ways of life; tourism and its effects in a global world; gender and development; disaster response and reconstruction; and the roles of social movements, development aid, and non-governmental organizations in international development. Offered Occasionally.

ANT/HIS 312 Cr.3

Peoples and Cultures of Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union

This is a survey course that explores how people in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union have experienced the transition from socialism to postsocialism and beyond. Within the framework of cultural anthropology, we will examine the major concerns of postsocialism - including how people understand the role of the government, what is means to be a citizen, and how they view themselves as members of communities - in order to gain a better understanding of how people experience, manage, and challenge the broad changes that have occurred in the political, economic, and social systems. More importantly, we will focus on how people have redefined what they value in life, what it means to be a "good" person, and what it means to be "postsocialist" in light of these changes. (Cross-listed with ANT/HIS; may only earn credit in one department.) Offered Occasionally.

ANT 320 Cr.3

Rites, Rituals and Ceremonies

This course examines the roles of rituals in family, community and national life. It introduces students to a variety of ritual traditions and symbolic practices from around the world. In the process, students will learn about the different approaches to studying, analyzing and interpreting the significance of rituals. Offered Every Third Semester.

ANT 321 Cr.3

Images, Visual Culture and Anthropology

This course engages students in the practices of looking and encourages them to read into the meanings behind images. By combining movies, still photography, advertisements and illustrated magazines with class readings, discussions and assignments, students will learn to see the complex roles images play in modern society; how non-Western people have historically been represented in popular culture; and how experiences of the visual are informed as well as complicated by social, cultural and political histories. Offered Every Third Semester.

ANT 323 Cr.3

Anthropology of Childhood and Youth

This course provides an overview of the anthropology of childhood and youth, emphasizing how these concepts both vary and are similarly-shaped cross-culturally. The texts draw upon cultural studies, ethnography, feminist anthropology, child development, and psychological anthropology. We will explore topics such as child-rearing practices, the role of peers and family, gender roles and expectations, rites of passage, youth subcultures, and youth engagement with globalization and technology. In our discussions, we will also consider how children and young people are active agents in shaping the world around them and conversely, how they are shaped by their worlds. Offered Occasionally.

ANT/ARC 325 Cr.3

North American Anthropology and Archaeology

An intensive survey of the cultures of North America north of the Rio Grande, beginning with arrival of the first people in the New World, through the early period of European contact, ending in the mid-nineteenth century. Cultural adaptation and change within each major ecological region will be considered. This course will not be considering contemporary Native American issues. (Cross-listed with ANT/ARC; may only earn credit in one department.) Offered Occasionally.

ANT/ARC 335 Cr.3

Human Skeletal Anatomy and the Anthropological Study of the Dead

This course is designed for students majoring in archaeological studies or related fields. The focus of this course is a detailed study of the human skeleton. Each student will be required to learn the anatomy of the human skeleton in detail. Also considered are methods of determining an individual's age, ethnic origins, sex, and stature from skeletal remains. The final three weeks of the course will be concerned with anthropological interpretation of the dead. Offered Occasionally.

ANT/ARC 346 Cr.3

Ethnoarchaeology and Experimental Archaeology

Archaeology isn't only about excavations: Since the 1960s, archaeologists have also examined aspects of life in the present as a way to better interpret material culture found at ancient sites. Ethnoarchaeology uses ethnographic field methods among modern peoples to develop informed hypotheses about life in the past. Experimental archaeology uses controlled scientific experiments to develop models about past behaviors including tool use, pottery production, etc. This course will cover both of these "middle-range" approaches, and will require participation in hands-on ethnoarchaeological and experimental class projects. Prerequisite: ANT 101 or ANT 195 or ANT/SOC 202 or ARC 100 or ARC 196 or ARC 200. (Cross-listed with ANT/ARC; may only earn credit in one department.) Offered Occasionally.

ANT 351 Cr.3

Peoples and Cultures of Southeast Asia

Southeast Asia is a region of immense diversity with a long history of cultural mixing and blending. This class is a journey across this vast landscape to learn about the stories behind its ongoing histories, the dynamic influences on its changing cultures, and the vibrant lives of its peoples. Issues that matter to the everyday life of Southeast Asians are explored in relationship to national, regional and global trends. Offered Occasionally.

ANT/ARC/HIS 353 Cr.3

Maya Civilization

The course presents an overview of the Maya culture located in southern Mexico and Central America. The class is organized chronologically into several sections that focus on the origins, adaptations to various environments, social, political, and religious organizations, and the belief systems of the Maya beginning at around 3000 BC. Emphasis will be on Pre-Hispanic Maya; will also explore life ways of contemporary Maya people. (Cross-listed with ANT/ARC/HIS, may only earn credit in one department.) Offered Summer.

ANT 354 Cr.3

Peoples and Cultures of Latin America

This survey course presents students with an anthropological perspective on contemporary peoples living in Central and South America, parts of the Caribbean, and Mexico. The course starts with a brief introduction to Latin American pre-histories, exploring how the past influences present-day societies. The course then examines particular cultural aspects of the region overall, such as patterns of subsistence, religion and ideology, social movements, politics, social organization, race and ethnicity, gender and gender relations, popular culture and the media, war and violence, and tourism and development. Discussions throughout the course will also focus on Latin Americans living abroad and how Latin American cultures are shaping, and shaped by, other cultures around the globe. Offered Occasionally.

ANT 358 Cr.3

Language Policy and Activism in Europe

Language is central to understanding culture. How language is allowed to be used, therefore, can affect the current and future cultural beliefs and practices of a community. This course focuses on Europe and examines the history, development, and contemporary role of language within different European societies. We begin by defining "language" and some widely held myths about human communication. Then we examine how minority languages are regulated and embedded within relations of power, focusing on examples from Europe. We explore issues of language and ethnic/national identity; citizenship; language policies in governmental, workplace, and educational spheres; language endangerment and revitalization; and minority language activist movements. Case examples may include Irish and Welsh in the U.K.; Basque, Corsican, and Arabic in France; Catalan and Arabic in Spain; Turkish in Germany; and Russian in Estonia and Latvia. Offered Occasionally.

+ANT/RGS 362 Cr.3

Hmong Americans

This is an introductory course to Hmong American history, culture, and contemporary life. The course reviews Hmong history within the context of U.S. foreign policy in Southeast Asia from 1945 to 1975 and examines the sociocultural transformations that have been taking place in Hmong American communities across the U.S. since 1976. (Cross-listed with ANT/RGS; may only earn credit in one department.) Offered Occasionally.

ANT 366 Cr.3

Anthropology of Food

Cross-cultural practices and beliefs about the production, consumption, and distribution of food vary widely. This course examines food in a historical, social, and cultural context, focusing on the topics such as subsistence patterns and cultural patterns of food preparation and consumption; contemporary diets and the increasing prevalence of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease; cultural practices that restrict food intake or dictate food taboos; the globalization and "McDonaldization" of food; and others. The goal of the course is to provide students with theoretical and methodological tools to analyze food as a symbolic, political, and cultural artifact in today's world. Offered Annually.

ANT 370 Cr.3

Medical Anthropology

Understandings of "health" and "illness" vary widely around the world. This course examines how an individual's interactions with the cultural and physical environment influence the experiences of health and illness. The class begins with an overview of the development of medical anthropology as a subfield, with attention to its relationship with other disciplinary approaches to questions of health, medicine, and disease. Course concepts are illustrated using international examples of health and illness, such as shamanism and shamanic healing; complementary and alternative medicine in the US; hospital birth versus midwifery; and the link between the individual and society in the healing process. The second part of the course focuses on biocultural perspectives on health, including the effects of prehistoric and historic life-ways and disease epidemics on the body. The third part of the class examines the politics of health, paying particular attention to the effects of race, ethnicity, gender, and class on health status and treatment. The final section of the course delves into the application of medical anthropology in the field of international development. Offered Occasionally.

+ANT 375 Cr.3

Language, Power, and Inequality

This course will examine how our ideas about language intersect with differences in power and social inequality in the United States. These ideas include how we think people "should" speak, who speaks the "best," and which language varieties are valued. Focusing on the role of institutions and their effects on minority language speakers, we will explore issues such as language subordination, stereotypes of US regional dialects and accents, "mixed" languages, "mock" languages, political correctness, and multilingualism. This class will also examine how our ideas about language are used to construct and reflect social boundaries, which can affect people's social and political opportunities. Offered Occasionally.

ANT/ARC 395 Cr.1

Graduate Preparation Seminar

Third year students who are interested in pursuing a graduate degree in anthropology or archaeology have many things to consider. This seminar is designed to help students determine what research they intend to pursue after graduation, what graduate schools are particularly well suited to meet their research needs, how to target and apply to certain programs, and how to develop an impressive resume. This seminar will also serve to prepare students who do not intend to continue their education in graduate school for employment opportunities upon graduation. Prerequisite: archaeology major; archaeology major: cultural anthropology emphasis; junior standing. (Cross-listed with ANT/ARC; may only earn credit in one department.) Pass/Fail grading. Offered Fall.

ANT 399 Cr.3

Anthropology Forum

Investigation of areas and topics of current anthropological interest not covered in the regular curriculum ranging from local to transnational issues. Repeatable for credit - maximum 12. Offered Occasionally.

ANT 401 Cr.4

Ethnographic Methods

Ethnography is a central method in anthropology. This course provides students with the basics of ethnographic research through hands-on group activities with local community partners. Students read a variety of texts that describe and apply various approaches towards ethnographic research. Using a combination of lecture, discussion, and hands-on activities, the course covers all phases of ethnographic research as students gain skills in a variety of methods in preparation for their capstone thesis projects. Activities include human subjects training; developing research questions; participant observations, surveys, and interviewing; using qualitative data analysis software for processing and analyzing data; and presenting research findings to diverse audiences. In addition, this course includes examining how ethnographic skills can be useful for future career plans. The goal of this course is to teach students skills that can be applied to a variety of careers, as well as to future ethnographic research projects. Lect. 3, Lab 2. Prerequisite: ANT 101 or ANT 195 or ANT 202. Offered Fall.

ANT 409 Cr.1-3

Readings and Research in Anthropology

Directed readings or research under the supervision of an instructor. Repeatable for credit - maximum six. Prerequisite: junior standing. Consent of instructor. Offered Annually.

ANT 450 Cr.1-15

Internship in Anthropology

This course is an academically relevant field experience for majors and minors in anthropology. The field experience will be supervised by the anthropology staff. No more than six credits may be applied to the cultural anthropology emphasis and no more than three credits to the anthropology minor. Repeatable for credit - maximum 15. Prerequisite: junior standing with at least a 2.50 GPA. Consent of department. Pass/Fail grading. Offered Annually.

ANT 454 Cr.3

Historical and Theoretical Approaches in Anthropology

This course examines the history of anthropological thought since the beginning of the discipline. The course will specifically look at theories and theorists in anthropology using a historical perspective, demonstrating the ways that social events and cultural forces have helped shape theoretical and methodological paradigm shifts throughout the history of the discipline. Students will also be required to analyze ethnographies as cultural artifacts by examining the strategies anthropologists use to represent cultures and their role in fieldwork. Prerequisite: ANT 101 or ANT 202. Offered Spring.

ANT/ARC 479 Cr.1-2

Archaeology/Anthropology Laboratory Assistant

An opportunity to assist in the preparation and instruction of an archaeology/anthropology laboratory. Students will be expected to assist in preparation of course materials, demonstrate proper techniques, and evaluate student performance. Repeatable for credit - maximum four. Not applicable to the archaeology major or anthropology minor. (Cross-listed with ANT/ARC, may only earn credit in one department.) Consent of instructor. Pass/Fail grading. Offered Annually.

ANT 495 Cr.3

Senior Thesis in Cultural Anthropology

This course is the last course in the archaeological studies major with an emphasis in cultural anthropology course sequence and is normally taken during the student's final year. The course is designed to assist students in fulfilling the graduation requirement of completing a senior thesis in their archaeological studies major: cultural anthropology emphasis. Prerequisite: ANT 195; senior standing. Consent of instructor. Offered Spring.

ANT 496 Cr.3

Honors Thesis in Cultural Anthropology

This is the capstone course for archaeological studies majors with an emphasis in cultural anthropology enrolled in the Cultural Anthropology Honors Program. Honors students take this course in lieu of ANT 495, typically during their final year. The course is designed to assist the student in completing a baccalaureate thesis that will be presented in hard copy as well as verbally at the Annual Spring Research Colloquium for students completing their archaeological studies major: cultural anthropology emphasis. Prerequisite: ANT 195; senior standing. Consent of instructor. Offered Spring.

ANT 499 Cr.2-3

Seminar in Anthropology

Intensive study of some specific area or problem of anthropology. Repeatable for credit. Prerequisite: maximum 12 credits may be earned between ARC 498 and ANT 499. Consent of instructor. Offered Occasionally.