History (HIS) - Graduate Courses


HIS 501 Cr.1-3

Readings and Research in History

Investigation of areas and topics of current historical interest, ranging from local and regional to global issues and may including public and policy history. Topics vary by specialty of instructor. Consent of instructor. Offered Occasionally.

HIS 518 Cr.1-3

Public History Project

In this course, students work on a public history project that launches in the local community by the end of the course. Students seek funding, do research, market, and produce a public history project of their choosing. The project may be in any area of the students' choosing that falls under the umbrella of public history. Some options include oral history, material culture, policy history, and heritage preservation. The final project may be launched in a community space such as at a museum, in a library, on the web, in a municipal or privately owned public building (e.g., storefront). Consent of instructor. Offered Occasionally.