Curriculum and Instruction (CI) - Graduate Courses


CI 560 Cr.1-2

Washburn Academy

Study of a selected topic in science, mathematics, humanities, and the use of technology in education to improve the topic-related competency of classroom teachers and the acquisition of classroom techniques and applications. Open only to teachers who have been selected to participate in the Washburn Academy, an inservice program sponsored and conducted through joint efforts of CESA-4 and UWL with the support of grants and the business community. Repeatable for credit - maximum four. A maximum of four credits apply to a graduate degree. Pass/Fail grading. Offered Summer.

CI 606 Cr.1-2

Teaching Basic Writing Skills

A developmental approach to teaching basic writing skills at the middle/junior and the senior high school levels. The course will examine philosophies, conceptual frameworks, and techniques in teaching writing. Special emphasis will be given to the concept of writing across curricular subject matter areas. Prerequisite: teaching experience. Offered Occasionally.